
The Apple of Someone's Eye

Are you the apple of someones eye? Seems strange to ask such a question, but seriously, who considers you to be everything to them? Your mom,dad,sister,brother,friend,boyfriend, or girlfriend? But sometimes we miss who we really should be longing to be the apple of of someones eye.
That is God! What does God think of you? Well, just so you know, you already are the apple of his eye! I doesn't matter whether or not you have him in your heart, he still loves you! He loved you so much he died for you, so that you might live eternally in Heaven.
For that, we should be willing to do no less than give our heart and soul to the one who gives us our every breath! God saves, is a statement you may have heard several times, but not until you accept Christ, can you truly understand how true that statement is! I am happy to say, that I am the apple of God's eye, not because I deserve it, but because he freely gave it, like when he freely gave his life for me! I love God, and the wonderful place on which we live!
So, live for God, and love the life you live! God bless, love you all! <3


I fell in love with Indiana! <3

I was extremely excited and nervous before my flight to Indiana to spend time with my best friend and sister in Christ, Amelia! I arrived and the fun began! I loved every minute I spent in the beautiful state of Indiana! And it wasn't just the trees and country side that made it beautiful, but friends and fellowship with God and man! I miss it already, but at the same time missed home and Minnesota weather! I missed my old friends, but at the same time made new ones! During my stay, we went fishing, we went to the creation museum AGAIN! Met my teacher Ron Dudek, which was a great blessing! And we went to Prairie Conner's, which is place where people are living in a set up like the 1800s, lots a good history to learn from that! I had a wonderful time, and at the same time, learned to benefit people with my light heart and happy spirit! My thoughts were with my friend that lived there, whom I will never see again, but my memories where happy ones. I wondered how they were, and where they were in their walk, and how life was going for them! I miss that person allot...but continue to cling the the promise that the Lord is with them! :) Hugs to all of the friends I left behind in Indiana! :) I also thank God for my safe travels, and the extra blessing that God gave me, I was moved to First Class in my last plane cause someone didn't show up for it! It was great! I thank God for my blessings and a great experience! I hope you all are still continuing to read my blog, I'll be on allot more now! :) <3