Well, if you're like me and you have been struggling with your weight and self-confidence for years, I think we can safely say we have always been jealous of our petite friends who, no matter what they eat or do, stay the perfect weight.
Well, I'm here to tell you how, regardless of your size or shape, you can dress in a way that is both modest and beautiful.
When I say modest, I'm talking about dressing in a way that is neither slutty nor provocative, but that doesn't mean I am saying to wear big baggy clothes with no form or shape. By popular belief modesty means wearing clothes that are neither skintight nor too loose. You wear pants that don't reveal anything above the knee. Same goes for skirts. You wears shirts that have a sleeve and don't reveal cleavage. By the way you can still wear low neck shirts, just wear an undershirt along with it. And don't wear anything see-through.
Now a lot of girls will read this and take offense and say something like, the way I dress is my own style expression and I can't change who I am! I am here to tell you that is not the case. Whether you admit it or not, who you are is what you are on the inside and not what you wear on the outside. But what you wear on the outside will affect the way people view your inner self regardless of whether it is true or not. Your refusal to change is a defiant display of your sinful desire to have men lust after and want you, but trust me when I say you don't want the kind of man who lookout for a slutty dresser.
Now being a married woman, I have learned a lot about modesty through the loving direction of my Lovey Man.
A true man will scan the crowd for that hidden treasure. A woman who doesn't dress to attract, but attractively in a way that in the end will attract a man with a good heart, who desires to keep and cherish you as his own precious jewel, that he can trust will keep her body a hidden treasure that only he can uncover. A good man who sees an immodestly dressed woman will soon grow to hate her or look down on her with disgust, because she causes them to fornicate in his mind, though he fights against his sinful flesh.
A good man who sees an immodestly dressed woman will soon grow to hate her or look down on her with disgust, because she causes them to fornicate in his mind, though he fights against his sinful flesh.
And for those men who look upon your slutty dressing with pleasure, they neither love nor respect you. You either will become a sex fantasy that he will visit in his mind in the dark of a private room, or worse you will become his fling in a one night stand to relieve his sexual needs.
If you are honest with yourself, neither of these are desirable. Wouldn't you rather dress like a hidden treasure for your future husband who, like you, has saved himself just for you, and because you waited for him, will cherish you as the most beautiful gems?!
I experienced my first kiss on my wedding day with my husband, and we made love for the first time on our wedding night! I can't stress nor express enough how wonderful a gift it is to save your body for one man or woman! And dressing in a modest attractive way is a huge step in that direction! Believe me it is worth the wait and so much more!

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