
Life lesson number two: Love like CRAZY!!!!!

Since breaking my habit of listening to country music constantly, I have learned alot about it, and the messages it presents most of the time. But just tonight I turned on the radio and started searching for something to listen to to keep me awake, and found the song, Love like crazy! Don't let the title put you off, this song is just amazing! It totally fits my family! Its all about a man who married at a young age and had a big family, with barely enough money to support them! And how people all called him crazy! And someone asked him how he did it, and then the main part of the song goes like this: " Be a best friend, tell the truth, over use "I LOVE YOU!" Go to work, do your best, don't outsmart your common sense, never let your praying knees get lazy, and love like crazy!!!!!!!
This is yet another thing that proves my point about how important love really is! Without love, and God, we would be lost, and when we die, we would go to hell, cause God didn't love us in order to die for us! How horrible that would be!
I can say to you all right now, that I could never love my God, my parents, my siblings, my relatives, and my friends more than I already do! On my bad days, sadly, my family can't see my love, cause its covered by my bitterness! And sometimes, I just get depressed, without knowing why, sometimes when I think of someone I love, that doesn't know how much I really love them, just cause I don't have the gut to go to them and tell them, "You don't even know how much you mean to me, do you know that I love you so much?!" The thing is, if I told my sisters and brothers how much I love them, I would start crying, and then they wouldn't take me seriously, cause of course, siblings are different from parents!
So, if you were to ask me how I got through my young life, my reply would go something like this,"Pray to God, read his word, hope for faith and change, and love like crazy!"
Do you ever find yourself in a depressing situation?! Well this is where you need to start loving like crazy! Just go up to someone you love, and say, I Love you so much!! And then give them a big hug!
If I can I'll put that song on my playlist, and just remember, this song fits my family to a T! Cause everyone thinks that my parents were crazy to have 9 children, but my parents consider us a blessing, no matter how much trouble we cause, our parents will always love us, cause you know what?! They are just working themselves out of a job! Thank you mom and dad for not giving up on me, I Love you guys so much! So, the message for today?! "Be a best friend, tell the truth, over use I LOVE YOU! Go to work, do your best, don't outsmart your common sense! Never let your praying knees get lazy, And LOVE LIKE CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!" Thanks for reading and God bless!


Life lesson number one: Don't listen to Crystal!!!!!!

Don't be frightened, this is just me, letting go of frustration and anger in the best way I know how, writing! And on top of that I'll throw in a life lesson!
My boss Lisa gave me this title, and I liked it so much I kept it! I love my job working as a Swing Manager at McDonald's! But its not all hugs and kisses and pats on the back! I was promoted with the soul reason being I was a good worker and they liked my attitude, which was all because God was in my life, not because I am perfect, cause I am far from that!
I am used to praise at work, and I am used to being scolded and yelled at as well when my, as you punks put it, game is down! But there is one person I cannot in anyway, get along with or at least come to an understanding with at all! Crystal, my superior in years, but not reputation, again my reputation soul being on the Lord in my life! She tells me she can't stand me, that I don't do my job, and that I just stand still and watch everyone else do the work! Well, if that is what I really did at work, I wouldn't have this job at all! Crystal is close to losing her job because of her reputation! When Steph and Brandon heard about this, with Crystal not only making me very unhappy and slow in my work because of depression, and because she was telling me to do things that Steph and Brandon told me I shouldn't, things were supposedly cleared up! But now, tonight while Crystal worked, she resorted to spreading gossip of my "bad reputation". And guess who she decided to start it with?! My brother Seth!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like the loyal brother he is, he didn't respond to her at all, but the conversation consisted of her saying, " Seth I just can't stand your sister! She is so lazy, and she doesn't get her work done!"
Just let me lay out the fact that Crystal won't move a muscle or an eyelash if she sees someone within ear shot to make do it for her! And the fact that she started talking about me behind my back, and to my brother, as though she expects him to turn against me, his sister, and spread rumors! And that she expected him not to tell me about their little talk! And just so you know, when it comes to me, you either say it to my face, or keep it to yourself, cause nothing angers me more than hearing it from someone else! And then she tries to talk to me all nice and everything as though she has loved me like a friend for the longest time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAN!!!!!!!!! You can see how much this angers on to our life lesson now shall we?!
As we go through life as a Christian, there are several "Johny" and in this case, "Janey rain clouds" that will be determined with everything they say to bring you down and make you feel like you aren't getting anywhere!! Satan does the same thing, at every point in your life, he will try to make you doubt what God has promised, and doubt where you are as a Christian! But this is our time to stand tall in the midst of persecution and hatred! This is our time to look up toward heaven and shout, " You are my God O Lord, and I will be strong in the light of your love, and your word!!!!!!!!!!!"
So just remember Christian, there may be several "Crystals" in your life, but that doesn't mean that God isn't right there taking every step right along with you! Trust in the Lord! Don't listen to Crystal, listen to God! God bless you ,and thanks for reading!


Looking to hard at a small part of the Big Picture!

When I was at work tonight, my boss started freaking out! Our safes alarm started going off and when she shut it, it froze, and the alarm wouldn't stop and she couldn't open up the safe! Man, and I thought I had been having a bad day!
After several minutes of trying to find a solution to her dilemma, Steph was on the verge of tears! And then my co-worker Tyler walks up to her, and says in a wishful tone, " Too bad the safe isn't plugged in, then we could unplug it and then replug it in so it would restart!" And then it dawned on her, it is plugged in! Sure enough, she unplugged and replugged it in and ta da!
We all have those times, when we are looking too closely at our work, and need someone from the outside to point out a simple solution! Like working on a puzzle, if we concentrate to hard, it takes forever to put it together! Funny isn't it? When we try too hard, we often miss how simple our problem really is!
This lesson can be applied to life as well! When looking at the Big Picture of life, we often get frustrated by that little "splotch" in the handiwork! We really need to take several steps back and just look at it with an easier eye! The splotch is swallowed in the beauty and master piece of God's plan for your life!
So next time your too close to something that is making you frustrated, take several steps back, and several deep breaths, and try again! Maybe one day I will learn to look at the Big Picture the right way! Just remember, don't look at just one part of the picture, look at the WHOLE picture!
God bless you and thanks for reading!


A time to breath!

Have you ever said, I won't stop holding my breath until this matter is resolved? Well, now I can finally stop holding my breath for several reasons!
My parents secretly sent out for my High school diploma so that they could surprise me with it, but my mom forgot that it was coming in and sent me to get the mail. And so, being a graduate I could read a little, and it didn't take a genius to find out what the package was!
My Mom and Dad couldn't read the diploma to me, cause they were kinda choked up! I love them so much, standing by me through my childhood, and now, young adulthood! Next year I leave for college, with the full intention of coming back to family and friends unless something turns up (like finding a soul mate). Soon me and my friend Erik will take pictures of us in our cap and gown, with our families! I will be sure to post some pictures on here when they have been taken. Its seems hard to believe that I have been writing in this blog for almost 2 years! Now, I am just sitting here, breathing deeply the sweet air of graduation.
I am still holding my breath in anticipation of my newest member of my family, I pray that my mom has a quick delivery. This will be her last child, so as soon as it is all over, I will stop holding my breath!
There are many moments in our life when we need to breath. When we pray, when we are angry, when we are sad, when were getting married, and so the list goes on. This post just came to me as I spent an evening with my family, the thought, "Wow, I am done!"
Holding your breath for very long periods can be very unhealthy, so I would advice considering letting go soon cause the longer you wait, the more in shock you are after you let go! HA HA! I pray all you fellow readers still enjoy reading my posts, I sure enjoy writing them! God bless you, and remember, there is always a time to breath! Thanks for reading!


Where is the joy?

The time we spend with the Lord, should be a happy time, a time of love and happiness! But if you were to look around in church, or in Bible study, what do you find?
Boredom, hurried actions, sleepiness, distraction, and maybe even a foul mood! These aren't the actions of people who are enjoying their time with the Lord, but of people who wish this would just hurry up and get over with!
WHERE IS THE JOY?! Why can't we all enjoy each others company, and the company of our Lord, without strained feelings and actions?
Can a family enjoy time with the Lord, when they argued and fought their whole way through the morning? Why is the Lord's day any different from our fun days? Why can't it be the same?!
I can say without hesitation, that the people around you effect how you feel. If everyone is dreading the day, you start to dread it too! If everyone is tired and down, you soon follow! So why isn't the joy of the Lord rubbing off between the people who supposedly love God?! Why, instead of love, we get anger and short tempers?
I wish with all my might, that I could experience a joyful Lords day, or bible study! One that is just electric with happiness and joy! Like the Lords day and bible studies I experienced during my time in North Carolina, all the people I met there were joyful and happy, and they just rubbed you the right way! There wasn't any harsh words or actions, just joy!
I believe that God wants to see us joyful when we come to spend time with him, he wants us to "enjoy" what he and his word has to offer! But how is that going to happen, when no one is joyful? I pray that you are that person that brings the joy back into the church or gathering this week, no more foul moods, just happy smiles and thoughts!
As you can tell, this subject frustrates me on a number of levels, cause I have experienced first hand, a negative Lords day! I want to see joy, not obligation! So, the next time you spend time with the Lord, rub around the joy! Thank you for reading and God bless!


Light in the darkness

Many people walk the path of sin,
but light from the darkness shall spring,
Our Savior in the end shall win,
And souls in heaven shall sing!

On the path of life I tread,
But so many souls are lost!
And many more, their hopes are dead,
And their souls into hell are tossed!

A warrior of the Lord I must be!
No more will I hide and wait,
The Spirit of the Lord I must find in me,
I promise you Lord, I will no longer wait!

Rescued souls I harvest,
Only for the Lord I work,
But my heart is not the best,
Yet the Lord has done his work!

Praise the Lord, so many saved!
They sing glory to him!
And with gold the streets are paved,
Walking on heaven's glory safe to him!


What do I do?

Have you ever come across a time in your life when something is weighing heavy on your heart, and yet, there are no words to express it?! It is so frustrating, and yet, it seems so right that you can't explain it, can't even begin to try!
Tonight, when I took my dog out for her walk, I looked up, and for the first time in weeks, saw a clear night sky, and my heart swelled with awe as I look at the stars! No words can even begin to describe why such a sight takes my breath away, or that I start to tear up, and let the tears roll down my cheeks.
Same goes for when I look at someone I love. You almost believe that just by looking at them, they will know without looking at you, just what your thinking! But then comes when you really want them to know how you feel, and yet, nothing seems just seems right to keep silent, and just let it take your breath away!
When I look at the stars, or at someone I love, the same question always comes to mind....what does God have planned for my life?
I would like to think, that his plan is for me is to graduate college with no broken bones, or hearts. And that I would marry and raise a family, instead of starting a career that in the end, I will end up hating, like my dad.
I must always remind myself of my quote I made up, "God knows, and that's all I need to know." But I also like to quote a friend of mine, who says to me often, "You don't know what the future holds, but you know who holds the future." I like to think that God is up in heaven right now, shaking his head at me and saying,"Rachel, Rachel, you silly little girl! Why are you so afraid to let me take over? Where has your faith gone? Don't you know that I have everything planned out just right, and if you would just listen, you'll find something better than what you have in mind!"
So, what do I do? And just out of curiosity, what would you do? Life is no easy road, and there are alot of things we will never fully understand, until when we die, and see God, we won't even be able to remember what bugged us so much that we wanted to end life early just to get it over with! I believe, that if we stop clutching the wheel of life so tightly, we just might be able to live, for real, in a place that seems unbearable at the time!
Just remember my fellow readers, that life is unexpected for everyone, except God! He knew before you were born, where you were going to end up! But if you fiddle with God's plan, that's when things get ugly, and the painting of life looks a little bit sloppy, cause we just couldn't help but bump God's hand while he was at work!
So what do I do? The answer is nothing! Just stand still, and wait upon the Lord! God bless and thanks for reading!