
Reaching Forth!

Hello my fellow followers! It just struck me as odd to think that in a year and a half, I will be hitting my 20th year of life! I feel like a child in a sea of adults in Christ! I have learned so much this year, and my life might have finally turned torward that blooming stage!
I am a child at heart as well, loving to pull jokes and laugh whole heartily, uncaring on whether I come across as crazy and scary....sometimes! The reason I write this post is leaning torward what my grandma is doing with me and my family! For the past week my grandma has be coming over for a "Huddle Team Bible Study" or as my sister Sarah refers to it, a "Huggle"! One of our team verses is Philippians 3:13-14 " Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Life is like a marathon! Life isn't a video game, there is no "pauses, extra lives, skipping levels, or restarts." Like a marathon, its all of it or none of it! If we don't study and exercise our life book (the Bible) we start our marathon of life in bad shape, and we fall behind! With each new hardship or trial, our feet feel heavier and we seem to be getting no where! Only when we train under our schoolmaster Jesus Christ, will we be able to run the race, fight the good fight, live the good life! As a dear friend of mine pointed out, life is to short to waste on those things that don't matter! Until we start running our marathon on the straight path of God's word, we are like a turtle in a bucket, going around in circles with no realization of how sadly pathetic we look!
I have been having my "turtle" moments and not until lately do I realize how silly I have been, when I have God on my side, I should be walking like, talking like, living like God is there! Its not something to say just to make people think you are a good person! If that is what you are doing, shame on you, you hypocrite! Start living like you mean it, or every minute of your life marathon is a waste of your very short period of time!
Trust me Christian, I am sad to say I was a hypocrite, but now God has opened my eyes! And I pray that this post opens your eyes as well, life is short, how are you going to run it?!
I am saving up for Bible college right now, cause I want to become learned in the word of God, not the word of man! I know God will provide the money I need, and the job I need later on in life, but for now, I am in the now! But at the same time, I am REACHING FORTH! I am stirring the waters of a ministry, waiting for what God will do with my life! But for now, you can just read my thoughts and prayers in this blog, which I have grown to love, a place of quiet and remembrance! And my writing abilities, its all God's doing, just me as a person, I could never write like this, only God can take a cabbage and turn it into a rose! So Christian, start reaching forth, and live the Marathon of Life! Time is short, so the sooner the better! Thanks for reading, and God bless you!


Purity.....o so clean!

Purity is a foreign word in today's world. Today young men and women lose their purity as young as the age of 12. And some don't even know what purity means!
Well the root word "pure" simply means clean, very very clean! Meaning there is no dirt or evil thing on it, it is pure! At the age of 12 I was taken on a vacation with my mother, and she taught me about purity, and how important it really is! Purity is not just for women either, its for men too! It is hard to remain pure, it is probably harder to remain mentally pure than physically in many ways, seeing as we can imagine just about anything in our minds! I can honestly say that I am not mentally pure, so God has had to cleanse my mind many times!
Purity comes in many forms, Sexually, Mentally, Actions, and words. 1 Timothy 4:12 tells us that we are to be an example to the believers, one of the examples being, you guessed it, Purity! God wants us to be pure, set apart from the men and women in this world, who do not strive for purity, but for pleasure! Cause as the Bible tells us in Hebrew 11:24-25, Moses would rather suffer the afflictions of being a Christian, rather than sinning for a season!
What I hope you get from this Christian, is that we need to strive to be pure! When we say something ask ourselves, is this pure? When we do something, ask ourselves, is this pure? When we think about something, again, ask ourselves, is this pure? It is true Christian, that we are far from perfect, and we struggle with purity! But God is there, watching us, hoping that we strive for purity, even when we are tempted beyond any other! So Christian, think pure,feel pure, look pure, and remember what Jesus did for you, so that you might live! God Bless and thanks for reading!


A Blessing or a problem?!

At some point in time we need to wake up and ask ourselves the question, are we being a true blessing to the people around us?! Cause Christian, anyone can talk the talk, but can we walk the walk?! On days when I seem to have friction with everyone I come into contact with, I have to ask myself, Am I becoming more of a problem than a blessing? The truth is we all have our short comings, and praise be that God is patient! But we can't stand by thinking that all of man kind can be patient, while we try their patience!
I know for a fact that I am not always a blessing to my family, and trust me Christian, it hurts to know the truth about yourself, especially when it comes to the regard of the people you love! If God is truly in us, what is with all this fighting and impatience amongst ourselves?!
Don't panic, God is there, but Christian, for being children of God, we really need to shape up and show it! Or more exact, I need to shape up! I am not about to judge what I am not worthy to judge! The beam in my eye is great compared to the moat in someone elses eye!
The choices we make in life are one of two, good or bad! When I wake up in the morning, I should be able to get up in the morning and make a decision to be a blessing to the people in my life! I am a child of God, let us show it for once, and love with our actions!
I write this in the hopes that one day I can say that I am a blessing to my loved ones, instead of a problem! I am not here to fix you, in fact I am not here to fix myself, at least not without God! Cause without God Christian, our shots at being a "good person" are all in vain! But again, we are not a hopeless case! God is willing to stand by and wait....are we willing to give in and go to him?! I choose right now to strive to be a blessing instead of a problem! What is your choice?! Thank you for reading my friend, and God bless!


Healing Rain!

The snow is finally melting, rain is falling, washing the world clean after months of dirt, snow and tracks. And finally we can see the grass, and the sun, and the blue skies!
Just like the healing rain of God, that falls on us in times of sorrow, so the rain of spring wakes up the earth, and brings forth the abundance of green things. And Christian, just like nothing will grow with out rain, so we won't grow without God!
It is true, life isn't fair, and never will be, but God makes our life stand out among the rest, like a mountain among stones. Cause with God anything is possible! He cries with us when we cry, he struggles with us when we struggle, and he died for us so that we can live! Christian we owe everything to God, the least we an do is give him our heart! He is like an impatient groom waiting for his bride, a mother waiting for the arrival of her child, and like a rain waiting to fall on a dry lifeless ground! God loves us, and wants nothing more than to care for us like a father, cause in the end Christian, we will spend the rest of our lives with this loving father! I know its hard to give yourself over to God's hands, especially when we don't feel the humble spirit that should be ever present in us! We are proud, but, as God has pointed out to us, we are not a hopeless case! He is waiting...just waiting! And every time we refuse to let him in, its like a crop refusing the life giving rain that it needs to survive! Christian, God only ever wants what is best for us....I mean look around, have you ever not seen how beautiful the world is, how wonderful your friends are, or how loving your family is?! God has given you everything, in return, you need to let him be the one constant in your life, because without him ,it is only ever a down hill movement!
The reason I called this post Healing Rain, is because I love rain, and rain is a sign of renewal, and regrowth, and just like the snow is melting outside, so our pride should be melting away from our hearts, and give place to God, the thing that can fill that hole in your heart! So the next time you feel that pride drying up your heart, be ready to receive that thirst quenching, life giving, healing rain that God sends to us in our times of trouble!
And just a tip to people who love natural beauty, the next time a thunderstorm rolls your way, bring a couple lawn chairs into your garage and watch the rain and the thunder and the lighting! It is so beautiful, and if you watch it with someone you love, it makes it even more special! Thank you all for continuing to read my blog! I hope I am giving you what you need! Keep commenting! God bless you, and thanks!

This is NOW!

Ever have your mind just run away with you? All those things your going to do, be it next week, next month, or next year, your mind is always on those future things!
I always was looking forward to future things, or imagining the possibilities of where a situation might lead....but only to have those thoughts be shattered by some unseen prevention! Like when I started throwing up the day I was going to leave for a trip, or when I lost someone I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with! Christian, only God knows what is coming next...and really, making plans is a pain, and any planner will tell you that anything you plan, is never set in stone! How many times have I found myself wishing that I could make things certain?! More than I like to recall! You see Christian, it would be so boring if we knew what was coming! We would never be surprised again, be a happy surprise or a sad one!
I believe that focusing on the present, is the philosophy we need to execute in our everyday life! The future is uncertain, so leaning on the stable fact of the present, what going on right now is all that is definitely certain! Sure, we all know that someday in the future God will return and we will be gathered in his presence forever! What a wonderful future, but Christian, the rest of our life is made of choices, the choice of wrong or right! The right being obeying the voice of God, and the wrong being anything outside of God's Commands! We can't choose who we meet, or who dies, or what boss we end up with, or any other number of things! We are powerless!
Christian, we need to focus on the NOW! Cause the future can be taken away, mostly by that one thing that most people fear....death! The same applies to unsaved friends, we are only certain about the now, but the future is not at all certain, that person could die that night, or even 10 minutes after your conversation! Believe me, I am not good at this subject, I wish more than anything that my future plans were set in stone! But I know that those plans, Marriage, family, a good career, staying out of dept, all that is uncertain! All I can rely on is the fact I am alive right NOW, I am a Christian right NOW, and I love my God and my family and my friends right NOW! Christian, be certain that your future holds salvation, but being sure that you are not a false convert, and if you are one, you can fix that, RIGHT NOW! Focus on the NOW, and God will hold your FUTURE for you! Thank you for reading, and God Bless!