If so, how did your explanation go? If you experience was anything like mine, it didn't go real well! It is understandable that unsaved people will not understand why you do the things you do...how could they? They don't know the Lord or what he asks of us as Christians! It saddens my heart when they ask me questions like, "Why haven't you tried to kiss your fiance yet, what if he is a bad kisser?" Or, "Why in the world did your parents have that many kids? They should have stuck with just you and your brother."
I have an answer for both questions, first I have never kissed anyone else before so how am I supposed to know what a bad kiss is? I love my fiance with my whole heart, and the Lord is at the center of our relationship, and that is what is important! And, God tells us that children are a blessing, and happy is the man that has his quiver full of them! But will the world understand even with these answers?! No, I am sad to say, because again, they don't not know our Lord!
I have witnessed to several of my coworkers, but in the end, they make a decision on whether or not the believe in our Lord! And many have chosen not too! You see fellow Christians, the world won't understand until they have come to a knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ! Until they do, our attempts to explain our lives will fall on deaf ears!
But we should look at this as yet another reason to spread God's word! For if we desire to be understood, we must bring more to Christ, that they may understand! We can't save every soul, without our Lord, and the converts for Him that we reap! God saves, and we are the tools that he uses! I have a desire to be able to say, that the world can understand, because the Lord used us to bring them back to the knowledge of right and wrong, and the law of the Lord!
Every time we lead someone to Christ, the Lord will make another understanding ear toward the things of God! And the more who understand, the more we will be understood! Christians, the world won't understand, but God can make them understand! God bless you and thanks for reading!