
Shotgun girl is a lifeguard!

This is just a random picture of me! :P I have just started lifeguarding again, and I love it! Its so much fun, no matter if people come to swim or not, cause we lifeguards love to laugh and talk for hours! :D I have friends every where at work! Being a lifeguard is a responsibility, one I greatly enjoy, feeling both important and humbled by the task of guarding the lives of other peoples children and family members. Today I went swimming with a friend before going on duty, it was great! Even though it was raining and cold out, the water was wonderfully warm! :) After break sounded, I quickly showered and went on duty, but never did get to guard anyone cause it got colder and no one was crazy enough to jump in! LOL! So we left the pool open for a couple hours and played cards and laughed, it was great, even though it did get boring at the end! Work doesn't mean no fun, but it does mean responsibility! Even though the love of other people may fail me, God will never stop loving me, no matter what!

I wonder why God chose to bless me so much when I have been so ungrateful. My mind has been full of my suffering, but now I see truly how much I am loved by my heavenly Father!