
Who will love me?

What is this I see?
The mother from whom I came,
She is angry with me,
And it puts my heart to shame!

Who will love me?
The wrong which I have done,
Makes me an evil thing to see,
And for this I have been shunned,
So who, I ask you, will love me?

I am not what she wants me to be,
Pure, proper, and a lovely thing indeed,
She does not see these things in me,
But someone of bad report, in ugly character and deed.

Who will love me?
The wrong which I have done,
Makes me an evil thing to see,
And for this I have been shunned,
So who, I ask you, will love me?

I see HIM, HE who loves me!
HE hangs there on a tree,
And HE takes all the blame for me!
So now someone loves me!

I know HE loves me!
And no matter what wrong I have done,
HE will make me clean and beautiful for all to see!
And I know that HE will never leave me alone,
For HE, I know, loves me!

Written by,
Shotgun Girl


To be Unloved!

Does somebody love you? Well I would sure hope so! There are very few people I know who claim they are not loved by someone. And most of the time the people I do know that claim to be unloved, are unsaved!
God loves us no matter what, and he loves everyone in the world, even the unsaved! But still, what do you think if would be like to be unloved?! Probably more horrible than words could tell! There are so many people that I love and cherish, and I can't imagine not having God and my friends and family in my life, all of who love me I believe!
But what about the so called unloved ones? What must we do for them? That's easy, direct them to the one who does love them, Jesus Christ! For he is the one who loves unconditionally, unlike the rest of the world! I hope that you always assure people of God's affection for them, and the affections of you to other people! It may not seem mandatory, but trust me, everyone in the world LOVES to hear the words I love you from the people they care about! Remember that no matter what you have done, or what someone else may have done, God loves you both, just the same!
Jesus experienced being HATED by his own father, he saw the disgust of God as he looked at the sin that covered him, and felt how it feels to truly be unloved! Rejected and in pain, Jesus paid the ultimate price for us, and for that we should always be grateful, and give our love to Christ, and the people around us! My message to you, never leave an unloved soul behind! God Bless and thanks for reading!


A sinner of one, a sinner of ALL!

Have you ever sinned in your life?! Well of course who hasn't?! Are you guilty?! The answer is, ABSOLUTELY! We all deserve the death sentence, but we aren't getting it, why? Jesus Christ died for us! In James 2:10 we are told that if we keep the whole law and yet offend in one point, we are guilty of all! That means, we break one law, and we are guilty of the rest! And everyone of us are guilty!
That is why we need Christ, without him we are lost! He is the one who makes our sin sheet blank. And we need him everyday of our lives, as we struggle to avoid the sins of this world. And we are not always going to succeed, we will inevitably fall into sin, and when we do, God is there for us to go to him in prayer, to ask him to cleanse us and make us whole once more. Just because you excepted Christ does not make you void of sin does it? NO, NOT AT ALL! We still sin, with our words, actions, and thoughts! None of us are without sin ever, cause if we were without sin, we would obey God in everything, and we would be another Jesus! And that is not possible! There is only one good, and that is GOD! 1 John 2:4 tells us that if someone says I know God, and doesn't keep his commandments, the truth is not in him! Well that pretty much sums it up right there.
It doesn't matter how many good things you have done, you can outweigh the bad! Only God can take the sin in your life and cleanse your soul! We are all sinners, but one thing makes us different from the rest of the world, we have Christ! Praise God that he loves us, and was willing to suffer for us in order that we might live! It makes me cry to imagine the perfect lamb of God hanging on a cross! He is unlike any other, and we don't deserve one thing that God has done for us!
If we are a sinner of one, we are a sinner of ALL! And the only thing we can do is repent and live for Christ! 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So never let the thought cross your mind that you are perfect once you receive Christ, cause if we are perfect once we receive him, why turn to him at all? Be humble in spirit, and kind in words and actions, and live with God's help, the life he intended! God Bless and thanks for reading!


The True Sacrifice

If you saw that your best friend, or your sibling, or just anyone that you loved was about to be hit by a car, what would you do? What would you give to insure that persons safety? Your money, your possessions, your life?!
For me, just imagining that someone I loved died makes me cry! In that moment I would do anything for them, even if it meant, dieing in their place! But what about a complete stranger? Would you give your life for them? My first reaction would be no, I don't know them and they are not my responsibility. WRONG! You are here on this earth to tell others about Christ, not to stand by and watch them perish! What if that stranger didn't know Christ, they are going to hell! That should shake us to the core! By giving your life for others, you give them a second chance, the chance that you already took advantage of, you accepted Christ, and in our heart we long to go home, so why not go home in the act of saving souls?!
You see Christian, God died for everyone, cause he is capable of loving everyone! If we loved like God loves, we would not sleep for fear of missing a witnessing opportunity! Christ hung on a cross, in agony, suffering for us all, when we didn't even deserve it! Its so humbling to think of the God of us all, hanging there just for us, when we don't deserve such love! The least we can do is save as many as we can for the God who loves them! God wants to use us so badly for his tools of salvation, but we have been sitting in our church seats, listening to our paster instead, we only pray for the unsaved, but don't put actions to our prayers! When ever you see someone in trouble, look at them as someone lost and in desperate need of your help, and God's love! If we are willing to go into the very fires of hell for our loved ones, how are the unsaved any different?!
I write this post with the simple message, are you going to honour the sacrifice of Christ?! If so Christian, go to the battle field and save the wounded and lost, just like Christ told us to do in his word! Don't just believe in the True Sacrifice, be a true sacrifice! God bless and thanks for reading!


Guarding your Heart

There is alot that we need to guard our hearts from, one of them being, when you believe what your heart is telling you, instead of what God is telling you. We all have a tendency to do that, especially when it comes to feelings and love. We can all say, I have felt it, I know what love is, but really you know what lust is. Love is not a feeling, as I have said several times, it is a decision, and it is back up by your actions.
If you truly love someone, you will do whats best for them, not what is best for you in your mind.
Part of guarding the heart is making sure we don't go diving after our so called feelings. Without God telling us what to do, we shouldn't so much as think about what we think would be what God would have us do until he has given us clear instruction! Sometimes guarding your heart requires alot more than just, "I am not going to do that."
You may have to avoid certain people, or certain places in order to guard your heart. Yes people can sometimes get hurt when doing what is necessary, but they won't get hurt as much as when your unguarded heart does a hair pin and leaves someone devastated and the other one confused. I learned alot from my first relationship, and now my heart is guarded well, but only after me and that other person were hurt, and parents were struck with responsibility on the part of protection.
I am alone, but I am actually in a relationship that matters the most, my relationship with God! And while my eyes are focused on God and his love for me, I have no time to search for my love mate. Yes, every young heart yearns for love, but as long as we have God, the rest will happen at God's appointed time. I do truly want to guard my heart, and wait patiently for the one of God's choosing, and that God would always be at the center. I know I speak on love and God alot, and to be quite honest, without those two things, life would have nothing of value! And to be honest to you my readers, God and Love are the two things that are always in my thoughts.
I hope one day that you to will find a love in God that surpasses any earthly relationship. I also pray that while you are waiting for the special someone, you will guard your heart, and give your love and obedience to someone who loved you before you were born, Jesus Christ! God Bless you and thanks for reading!

A Vacation Dream!

After a whole year of planning and waiting, my brother and I were finally able to go down to North Carolina to spend a vacation with our dear friends! The whole time I was there it felt like a dream, and now I am awake again, back home up north once more. I wish the dream would've lasted longer!
We made new friends, and enjoyed time with old ones. God has truly blessed us with many brothers and sisters in Christ down there! It felt wonderful to finally feel apart of the crowd in a right way, instead of being surrounded by unbelievers and mockery. It was especially nice to see the Neumanns, McDonalds, Bassetts, and the Sands. These families have been great friends to us, and to see them all after 8 years was a wonderful blessing. We did several activities down there including volleyball, skating, hiking,going to the beach, bible studies, and going out to eat and spend time in fellowship.
Even though I got a sunburn, and really sore muscles, I enjoyed every minute of my time down there, which is probably why the time went by so quickly.
To get to the point of this post, a vacation is allot like life. Your born and the vacation begins, and depending on whether or not you spend your vacation in the right way, will either make the vacation seem longer or shorter. But sooner or later you have to go home! Life is too short to waste, and God planned your "vacation" long before you were conceived. The way we can spend our "vacation time" wisely is to do what our "vacation planner" told us to do. The Bible tells us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. That is the right way to spend our vacation here on earth. But if we spend our time doing as we please, life will be very short indeed! Because when a sinner's vacation ends, eternal hell fire waits for them! That is why Christian, our time here on earth needs to be spent in the right way, winning souls for Christ!
Yes it is true that the sinners of this world seem to have the "first class" ticket in life, but in reality, they are falling without a parachute! Jesus is our parachute, the one thing that saves us from eternal death! The more parachutes we give out the better, because as we have said, our vacation time is short! So Christian, my final word to you on this matter is the right vacation life, because just like a real vacation, you don't know when it will come to a sudden end! Thank you for reading and God bless!