
A sinner of one, a sinner of ALL!

Have you ever sinned in your life?! Well of course who hasn't?! Are you guilty?! The answer is, ABSOLUTELY! We all deserve the death sentence, but we aren't getting it, why? Jesus Christ died for us! In James 2:10 we are told that if we keep the whole law and yet offend in one point, we are guilty of all! That means, we break one law, and we are guilty of the rest! And everyone of us are guilty!
That is why we need Christ, without him we are lost! He is the one who makes our sin sheet blank. And we need him everyday of our lives, as we struggle to avoid the sins of this world. And we are not always going to succeed, we will inevitably fall into sin, and when we do, God is there for us to go to him in prayer, to ask him to cleanse us and make us whole once more. Just because you excepted Christ does not make you void of sin does it? NO, NOT AT ALL! We still sin, with our words, actions, and thoughts! None of us are without sin ever, cause if we were without sin, we would obey God in everything, and we would be another Jesus! And that is not possible! There is only one good, and that is GOD! 1 John 2:4 tells us that if someone says I know God, and doesn't keep his commandments, the truth is not in him! Well that pretty much sums it up right there.
It doesn't matter how many good things you have done, you can outweigh the bad! Only God can take the sin in your life and cleanse your soul! We are all sinners, but one thing makes us different from the rest of the world, we have Christ! Praise God that he loves us, and was willing to suffer for us in order that we might live! It makes me cry to imagine the perfect lamb of God hanging on a cross! He is unlike any other, and we don't deserve one thing that God has done for us!
If we are a sinner of one, we are a sinner of ALL! And the only thing we can do is repent and live for Christ! 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So never let the thought cross your mind that you are perfect once you receive Christ, cause if we are perfect once we receive him, why turn to him at all? Be humble in spirit, and kind in words and actions, and live with God's help, the life he intended! God Bless and thanks for reading!


Sumthin' Good Listings said...

Good stuff! :)

Country Girl said...

Thanks Andy! :) I miss you buddy! :(