
Light in the midst of failure

Well, we have established that I have failed in my responsibilities, so now what?
The biggest temptation when we are having problems with our responsibilities is to stop trying, to just give up! Well, believing that things can't change, and not even trying, is just a recipe for more failure! Yes, I know you don't feel like doing anything, and it just seems pointless to try, but that is where we are wrong!
God is looking down at us, willing us to get up and try again! Cause truly, we can only succeed with God's help! As I try to pick myself up, and reestablish my standing in my responsibility, I have to remember that God is with me, and that with him I will never fail! The Bible tells us that all things work together for good, not that everything is good, but that it will all work together for good!
There is a purpose for everything that happens in life, even though sometimes you won't like what is happening, its doesn't mean it won't lead to something better! You might even be tempted to hate, or blame during your times of failure and struggle, but that is when we need to get down on our knees and beg God to help us be pure, even in our anger.
No one is perfect, and no one knows everything, except Christ! By following Christ's example, we learn patience, love, and we are slow to anger! By striving for Christ, the rest falls into place! All we need to do, is follow him!
So let God's light shine, even in the presence of people who believe your a failure, cause God will never give up on you; so don't give up on the people around you! I pray one day I will be of help instead of being a failure! Thanks for reading and God bless!


Sumthin' Good Listings said...

Hey, are you still working on compiling all your posts into a book?

Country Girl said...

I haven't worked on it in a while...I let myself get discouraged I think! But I will continue working on it! :)

Kelly said...

Nice post!!!!! I posted my very first poem on our blog, check it out, leave a comment to let me know what you thought!!! Hugs!

Country Girl said...

Thanks Kelly! Ok i'll check it out! I am sure I will like it! Hugs!

fruitfulvine said...

So when you are feeling like a failure, you are a great writer about it!! Another A+

Country Girl said...

lol Thanks mom, i like these A+s! :D