When I was at work tonight, my boss started freaking out! Our safes alarm started going off and when she shut it, it froze, and the alarm wouldn't stop and she couldn't open up the safe! Man, and I thought I had been having a bad day!
After several minutes of trying to find a solution to her dilemma, Steph was on the verge of tears! And then my co-worker Tyler walks up to her, and says in a wishful tone, " Too bad the safe isn't plugged in, then we could unplug it and then replug it in so it would restart!" And then it dawned on her, it is plugged in! Sure enough, she unplugged and replugged it in and ta da!
We all have those times, when we are looking too closely at our work, and need someone from the outside to point out a simple solution! Like working on a puzzle, if we concentrate to hard, it takes forever to put it together! Funny isn't it? When we try too hard, we often miss how simple our problem really is!
This lesson can be applied to life as well! When looking at the Big Picture of life, we often get frustrated by that little "splotch" in the handiwork! We really need to take several steps back and just look at it with an easier eye! The splotch is swallowed in the beauty and master piece of God's plan for your life!
So next time your too close to something that is making you frustrated, take several steps back, and several deep breaths, and try again! Maybe one day I will learn to look at the Big Picture the right way! Just remember, don't look at just one part of the picture, look at the WHOLE picture!
God bless you and thanks for reading!
Wow! What an adventure huh?
Pretty funny how someone realizes something we don't somtimes, miss ya!
Thank you for the reminder, I will step back and just enjoy the Big Picture of new baby!
Yes Kelly, it was an adventure, I am just glad it didn't last forever, or things could have gotten messy! Yes, its very funny! :) Miss you too!
Your welcome Mom! I think we are all going to enjoy the baby! :) Love you! :)
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