
Going the distance

I believe there is a time in every Christians life where they fear going where the Lord wants them to go, because of the things they are leaving behind! Family, familiar comforts, and friends, leaving them all behind for something new and strange!
But it is often when we do what the Lord wills, that we will be blessed for our faith and trust in Him! I know that I am both excited and afraid about what lay ahead with my future with my husband to be! But at the same time, its a comfort to know that the Lord is the one who brought Daniel into my life, and that he has had the center the whole time! True, none of us are perfect, and we will make mistakes, but that is why the Lord is with us every step of the way!
Going the distance is about doing whatever it takes to complete the task assigned to you, but in this post I am speaking mainly about doing what the Lord wills, even when you want to do the exact opposite! I believe we all will come to a point in our lives when we don't want to do what the Lord tells us, but its what we do when that happens that tells the people around you if you truly trust your Lord or not! When we struggle, its a perfect time put legs to your words, the things you profess to believe, and who you profess to follow!
Christian, I encourage you to go the distance for the Lord! It is a wonderful thing to suffer for the Lords things, and the Lord blesses us for the sufferings we go through in his name!
We will never stop learning Christian, we will always be learning something new! I am going the distance for my Lord, are you? God bless you all and thanks for reading!