Some of my friends have said, "Wouldn't it be nice if you knew exactly what the Lord wants you to do, or who he wants you to be with?" I go, what are you talking about?! He does tell you, just not the way you want him to, or the way you would expect! You expect some quiet wonderful voice to say, "Yes, this is who your where meant to be with, or Yes this is what I want you to do?"
Well Christian, how long are we going to play blind? God always answers our prayers, but his answers are different! It could be Yes, no, wait a while, not yet, maybe, or just be patient!
We must always be willing to except the Lord's will for our life, and be prepared that our plan may not be God's plan! Be assured Christian, God's plan is better!
Don't let your imagination tell you that the Lord told you yes! Wait upon the Lord for a true answer that comes from him! But you ask, "Rachel how will I know its the Lord?" You will know because the Lord will give you understanding in your heart, but don't look too hard! Just wait, and have a willing heart, and open eyes, and the Lord will not lead you astray!
Be willing to look to the Lord and say, "I believe you want me to go here, so be or not to be? I believe you want me to be with this person, be or not to be?" Don't say in your heart that its where the Lord wants you without waiting for the Lord's confirmation that this is indeed his plan! So many hearts will break for every time they assume that they know!
It often happens that because we are willing to let the Lord have his hands on our future, that what we desire is given us, but again, it probably won't be the way you expect it, but it will be far better than you imagined! I hope and pray for everyone of you, that you would be willing to wait for the Lord's answer, and follow his instructions, and not your own!
God loves you, so give him a chance to show it through his blessing which he will bestow because of your loving obedience to him! Like I have said many times, the Lord desires to bless us, because he loves us like a father! Christian, be willing to wait upon the Lord, and stop and say, To be or not to be? God bless you all and thanks for reading!
I give my heart, my life, my all to you my God!
Is it human nature, or selfish impulses that cause us to grip what we want with all our might, and never desire to let go for fear of losing it? Nothing can compare in fear than when we face losing what we fought so hard to keep! Not matter what it is, whether it be your life, your family, your lover, or a possession of great worth! Christian, whether we face up to it now or later, there will come a time in your life, where you will need to give up everything you have to the protection of God! God desires our trust, our hearts, and our loving devotion! When we lose what we fought to protect and keep, we finally see how futile our efforts to control things really are!
I will confess here and now I worry.....too much! Ask anyone in my family or friends, and it will be confirmed! I am weak, and a coward! When you get down to it, whenever I post on this blog, the reason I post anything is because I am reminding myself about what I have learned with each and every one of my weaknesses or short comings! I don't say anything to claim I have reached Christian maturity! Are you kidding me?! I know teen girls and young women more mature in their spiritual walk than I am, and I am older!
God hits the nail on the head when he says that pride is our downfall! Its pride that causes us to blind ourselves to the truth until either its almost too late to turn back, or it is too late! God loves us, he doesn't want to punish us, he wants to bless us! But how can he bless us when we won't even let him show his loving mercy, by not giving everything we care about into his strong unyielding protection?! Any mother will tell you your attempts at order will always fall apart! So why try right? Wrong! So why do it alone? would be the better question! With God all things are possible!
Do you think you could do a better job than the creator of the universe, who can bring people back from the grave, heal the sick, and feed thousands?! If you do, I really would wonder where you truly stand! I have seen so many things in my life that prove there is a God, and yet here I stand, once more being awakened that the only one I can really turn too is the Lord almighty! Must I be constantly reminded?! Or can I for once turn to God IMMEDIATELY?!
It proves how truly powerless we are! This week watching the ones I love so much go through struggles and illness, I worried myself into a frazzle, wishing I could do something, but I saw nothing! Then I turned to the Lord, and my prayer warriors in Christ, leaving my loved ones at God's feet! But Christian, that was my LAST resort, and not my first! How ashamed I am to say I still need to give everything back to the Lord daily! But Christian if we didn't need to mentally give everything to the Lord everyday, we wouldn't need the Lord! If we could fix every problem, we wouldn't need the Lord! If we could save every soul, we wouldn't need the Lord!! Then what need have we of God's sacrifice for our sin? We wouldn't have any! No one can say honestly that they have given everything to the Lord, there will always be something that we mentally have to give into God's hands, which is why we need to turn to the Lord daily, and if necessary, hourly as to be assured of where everything we hold dear is! And at the end of the day Christian, everything you love and cherish will be in the hand of our almighty God!
Christian, I put this challenge toward you, like God did to Abraham centuries before! Give up what you love most, what you cherish most, what you want most, all of it, into the hand of God! Cry to the Lord, " I give my heart, my life, my all to you my God! And with his strength, they will stay there for the rest of your days! Don't be discouraged when you find yourself giving things back again and again! That's human nature if I know anything at all! Ha ha! Christian, a lesson learned hard, is a lesson not easily forgotten, but if we could teach each other, and the world, instead of waiting for everyone to learn the "hard way" how many broken heart could we prevent with God's help?
Christian, God is a loving father, and he teaches us the same way! Thank you all so much for reading, God bless you all!
Posted by Country Girl at 3/26/2011 02:34:00 AM 3 comments
What am I getting into?!
I think every girl has this kind of a thought when she is getting ready to marry the man of her dreams! Because like it or not ladies, our men aren't perfect, and neither are we!
Of course before marriage, we are smitten, and can't imagine getting angry at this wonderful person who loves us more than we deserve! But only when we continue to keep our minds and hearts stayed upon the Lord, will our love for each other continue to grow, and blossom into something wonderful!
I sit here, 6 weeks to the day away from getting married to my man Daniel! I love him so much, and the thought of living life without him is unthinkable! I need him so much, and I am so grateful to the Lord for bringing him into my life! I see myself so much more as someone not fit to be a wife and future mother, my past is ugly with sin, yet the Lord forgave me, and blessed my life more than I deserved!
As young women and young men, we need to ask, "Lord, what is it that you desire me to do with my life? What is your will, what is my calling?" Until we show that we are willing to except whatever the Lord has for us, we will continue to hit ruts in the road as it were! Cause the Lord knows better than us what we need, and what we still have to learn!
The most important thing we need to do when we face large responsibilities is ask ourselves, "What are we getting into? And strive to do these things the way the Lord would have us do! Life never gets easier, but the Lord can make our burdens lighter! Look to the Lord Christian, and I assure you, you will not go astray with the Lord leading your every step! Thank you for reading and God bless!
Posted by Country Girl at 3/19/2011 05:51:00 PM 2 comments
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