Well Christian, how long are we going to play blind? God always answers our prayers, but his answers are different! It could be Yes, no, wait a while, not yet, maybe, or just be patient!
We must always be willing to except the Lord's will for our life, and be prepared that our plan may not be God's plan! Be assured Christian, God's plan is better!
Don't let your imagination tell you that the Lord told you yes! Wait upon the Lord for a true answer that comes from him! But you ask, "Rachel how will I know its the Lord?" You will know because the Lord will give you understanding in your heart, but don't look too hard! Just wait, and have a willing heart, and open eyes, and the Lord will not lead you astray!
Be willing to look to the Lord and say, "I believe you want me to go here, so Lord...to be or not to be? I believe you want me to be with this person, so....to be or not to be?" Don't say in your heart that its where the Lord wants you without waiting for the Lord's confirmation that this is indeed his plan! So many hearts will break for every time they assume that they know!
It often happens that because we are willing to let the Lord have his hands on our future, that what we desire is given us, but again, it probably won't be the way you expect it, but it will be far better than you imagined! I hope and pray for everyone of you, that you would be willing to wait for the Lord's answer, and follow his instructions, and not your own!
God loves you, so give him a chance to show it through his blessing which he will bestow because of your loving obedience to him! Like I have said many times, the Lord desires to bless us, because he loves us like a father! Christian, be willing to wait upon the Lord, and stop and say, To be or not to be? God bless you all and thanks for reading!
Wow, thanks for this. I am having to make a decision right now and I have been praying about it. It's so hard because I really have NO idea what to do...so what else can I do but talk to the Lord and wait on Him to give me an answer?! =) Love ya!
My dear Beth, I was truly thinking about you when the Lord put this on my heart to write! The Lord truly works wonders! :) I love you so much Beth! I pray the Lord gives you a clear answer, and then the strength, whatever the answer may be, to follow it! :)
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