Alot of things have happened since I posted last! I have now been married for 7 and a half months, and have loved every second of it! We have also added some "kids" to our family! We now have 4 parakeets and 2 turtles! They are so cute!
I have also applied for a job at a pet store, and I am waiting to see if that is what the Lord wants me to do! If he does, I will get the hours that I want, and not have to work Sunday!
But what I really wanted to talk about was counting your blessings of God!
Because God is part of our lives, we shouldn't be sad, but be thankful for what we have, because in my experience, even the little things matter, and whatever God gives you, is enough! I listen to our parakeets sing in the morning, and I thank God for his creation! I turn to see my husband by my side and thank God for creating him! I get a letter from my family and thank God for them! We could go on and on with things to thank the Lord for, and be thankful for! I have alot of friends I know who are struggling, and I pray for them everyday that they might see how blessed their life is despite their struggles! Cause even when we struggle, the Lord is with us, and that in itself is a blessing!
I hope all my fellow bloggers and readers will dedicate to the Lord to find one thing everyday to be thankful for! Cause I guarantee, you have alot to be thankful for! So count God's little blessings, and find new joy! Thank you for reading, and God bless you!
Nice post! The birds are so cute! What are their names and could you post a picture of the turtles?
Well the white one is Crystal, the yellow one is Emerald, the blue one with the blue nose is Marine, and the other blue one is Turquis! And sure, my next post will have a pic of our turtles, and their names are Pepples and Jade! :)
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