God is not satisfied until he has your all! Your heart, and soul, and mind, passed up to him to do as he will with them!
We all have a purpose, though we never find out about it right away, we need to wait, and keep our eyes open, for the day that God will reveal his plan for our lives. I can honestly say, God does not have my whole heart, but I want him too! I have not sacrificed myself , so that I might be the tool God wants me to be.
The only way to be fully given to God, is to sacrifice your fleshly wants and desires, and let God provide for your needs. He knows who that special person is that you will spend the rest of your life with, he knows when you need money, or when you need the energy just to make it through the day. There is know one else who knows more about you than God!
I am thankful that God has patience, cause I am still struggling trying to lay my life down at his feet. How wicked and deceitful the heart really is! Whether you believe it or not, you need to sacrifice your flesh to God, in order for him to use you the way your supposed to be used. God died for you, the least you can do is give your life back to him! I wish you all a Happy New Year! I hope you keep reading and commenting! God bless and love to all! <3
My All
Posted by Country Girl at 12/27/2009 10:03:00 AM 0 comments
How do you pass the past?!
Posted by Country Girl at 11/19/2009 03:36:00 PM 1 comments
Part 4
#4 Watch the leaves as they burn and burn, and enjoy the warmth at the same time! ( by now you are starting to smell like smoke, and have ashes on your hands and face! lol)
Posted by Country Girl at 11/07/2009 04:49:00 PM 0 comments
Fall Chore I Love! Part 1
Posted by Country Girl at 11/07/2009 04:38:00 PM 0 comments
Jackson Hole Bible College
I am finally on my last year of high school, and am now getting ready for my big step into adulthood!
I found a college that doesn't just look awesome, but fits my personality to a tee! :D
I am so very excited to be going I can't wait to have enough money for this! I wish money grew on trees! School has been going well, and God has really helped me become a more joyful young woman! I still can't get over the fact I am 18 now! Even more scary is the fact that in 2 years, I will be 20! :O My mom and dad don't even want to think about that! This college is in Wyoming, and every time I watch the video, it just makes me want to go all the more! :D Here is the link: http://www.jhbc.edu
Maybe you will even find this college worth the money! I never thought I would be this excited to go to college! I hope that all my blog followers and well, and I hope to continue to read your encouraging comments and notes! God bless all! <3
Posted by Country Girl at 11/07/2009 04:09:00 PM 1 comments
My Life Partner
Posted by Country Girl at 10/07/2009 02:02:00 PM 0 comments
Inner Beauty
In today's world, girls work so hard to look their best everyday, to attract guys, and impress everyone!
But no one thinks about what a girl is on the inside! For truly, the inside is who they truly are! No amount of flirting or good deeds is going to change that!
There is not one girl I know how doesn't constantly worry about her looks, including myself I admit! But us girl don't need to "hunt" for the man of our dreams, for God himself will make it possible for that special person to see who you are on the inside!
The wrong guy will fall in love with your outer beauty, while the right guy will fall in love with the girl on the inside! My first relationship taught me that, actions and beliefs and feelings mattered more than outward appearance! Cause as you grow in love, you will fall in love with them just as they are on the outside too!
So girls....keep your insides the priority, and God will help you with both the inside and the outside! Love to all! God bless! :D
Posted by Country Girl at 10/06/2009 02:05:00 PM 0 comments
The Apple of Someone's Eye
Posted by Country Girl at 9/24/2009 06:28:00 PM 0 comments
I fell in love with Indiana! <3
Posted by Country Girl at 9/22/2009 09:28:00 PM 1 comments
Kentucky Trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Country Girl at 7/31/2009 01:52:00 AM 2 comments
McDonald's Vollyball Team!
Let's go McDonald's, let's go! Hurrah!
Posted by Country Girl at 6/15/2009 01:04:00 PM 1 comments
Shotgun girl is a lifeguard!
This is just a random picture of me! :P I have just started lifeguarding again, and I love it! Its so much fun, no matter if people come to swim or not, cause we lifeguards love to laugh and talk for hours! :D I have friends every where at work! Being a lifeguard is a responsibility, one I greatly enjoy, feeling both important and humbled by the task of guarding the lives of other peoples children and family members. Today I went swimming with a friend before going on duty, it was great! Even though it was raining and cold out, the water was wonderfully warm! :) After break sounded, I quickly showered and went on duty, but never did get to guard anyone cause it got colder and no one was crazy enough to jump in! LOL! So we left the pool open for a couple hours and played cards and laughed, it was great, even though it did get boring at the end! Work doesn't mean no fun, but it does mean responsibility! Even though the love of other people may fail me, God will never stop loving me, no matter what!
Posted by Country Girl at 6/12/2009 12:44:00 PM 0 comments
Summer has begun!
So let's strip down to nothing and go swimming to cool off! :D This summer promises so much! Just looking at the next couple of weeks, I will be so busy with my two jobs, and my summer activities! So many things have changed in the last few years. I personally don't feel like I have changed, which probably isn't a good thing.....but I feel that God really does have a calling on my life. I have yet to find out what that calling is, but as I continue to work at earning my college fund, I feel a peace about the future! My whole family is looking forward to this summer, we all feel ready for some fun! The pool has opened, school is over, friends are free to play, and there is a ton of work to do! Some fun! :D :P lol! I know I probably won't get as much free time as usual cause I will be working so much! But I thank God for what he has done, even with the sad things that have happened in the last year, I still praise him for everything else he has done! I pray one day to be able to completely leave my depression behind, and turn over a new leaf! I still cry over what happened, I know now for sure that I will never ever forget what happened! I am looking forward to the trips we will take this summer, and the fun activities that are planned for this year! :D Oh wonderful, wonderful summer! :D
Posted by Country Girl at 6/07/2009 01:49:00 PM 0 comments
Going the extra mile!
With the summer weather kicking in, its time to get motivated! Last year, I was really getting into working out, and becoming in shape. Now, with a new year, I will once again charge the mountain! I love bike riding, and my work position provides a perfect excuse to bike. I live nine miles away from my job at McDonald's, and a block away from my job as a life guard at the pool. Today, I am going to bike to work for the first time this year! I am so looking forward to this chance at biking long distances. 9 miles is a nice workout, and it helps to keep you healthy and fit! When I first started biking to work, I lost 8 pounds in one week! Its a great feeling, and actually, working out gives you energy, instead of taking it away, as long as you don't over do it! So today, I will bike 18 miles, to work and back! I am really looking forward to this whole new venture. Its so great to be out in God creation, having some time of peace before working indoors! I strongly encourage people, for them to pick some form of exercise to do for the rest of the year. Not only will you become more fit, but your attitude will change as well. Wish me luck my first day of starting this after a whole winter of being cooped up indoors! I feel the joy of the season, and the joy of God filling me with peace about this year, even though this year has already turn out quite hard for me to deal with, I find myself still looking forward to it! It will be harder for me to get a chance to post in this blog as the summer season takes my train of thought away from my quiet life of winter time. I intend to keep in touch with all of my friends this year, so if you're a friend, and your reading this, feel special, cause I'll be a hard person to catch this year! :P :D God Bless you all, and have a great summer! <3>
Posted by Country Girl at 6/03/2009 12:11:00 PM 1 comments
Beautiful Life!
I think we all have experienced those crazy days when we wonder why we even try to make it through every day life. But, we must awaken to the fact, that we each have something to be thankful for!
Posted by Country Girl at 6/02/2009 01:24:00 PM 1 comments
I Turn Back to Him!
Have you ever had that old serpent, the Devil around your neck trying to get you to turn your face from your Saviour?! I can say that after the trial I went through, my face was not looking to God, but at my broken heart, and life problems. I have just returned to Him and his Word, no longer the strong confident girl I thought I was, but a beaten, weak and broken soul. I have cried many a tear, and tossed and turned many nights over my sorry plight. I can say this, I have learned that feeling sorry for yourself is not something to invest your time and strength into. Instead, when life's ride gets bumpy, look toward God. He is the only one who knows your every thought, your every question, your every struggle. Our human mind cannot fathom God's love for us, or what he does everyday just to get our much desired attention. God desires our love like the groom desires his bride! We are the bride of Christ.....let's start acting like we are the bride, instead of the wedding coordinator, who has the very weight of the world on his or her shoulders! I would not recommend anyone to walk the path I have been walking the past few days. If you are already walking the path of self pity, GET OFF OF IT! Looking at my life, I am still so blessed by God, I wonder that God didn't say to me, " Hey, look at all this, then tell me to my face that I have let you down!" I have gone back to Him, and He has welcomed His lost child with open arms and overflowing love! I feel God's joy re-entering my heart, I feel once more fulfilled! Yes, I still ask, "Why did this have to happen, Lord?" But I may never know. God only knows why this had to happened to me. I have a big family, many friends, and a God who loves me! What more do I possibly need?! Not to mention I have two great paying jobs! God has blessed me more than I deserve! I love Him with all my heart! Thank you God for all you have done for me!
Now, don't get me wrong, life is going to be bumpy whether God is in your life or not, but your future is secure in His care! Accept Him, repent and ask Him to come in to your heart, and He will give you the joy of salvation! Thanks for reading! God bless you!
Posted by Country Girl at 6/01/2009 06:30:00 PM 0 comments
Late Night Surprise!
Being a young teen, I am still under my parent's authority. So when it comes time to go to bed, you get a hug and a kiss from the parent's and are sent to bed, knowing in your mind that Mom and Dad want you to be in bed so they can watch their late night movie together. Well, last night, my dad was at work, and my mom was watching a movie by herself. We had been sent to bed on time, tucked in, and light off. I turned on my book light, to read briefly from two of my books. I then turned on my ipod and nestled under my covers for a peaceful night sleep. Well, I had been sleeping for about an hour, when all of a sudden, my cell goes off, and its one of my friends from work! :O I said, "Hi?" in a groggy voice, and my friend says, " Guess what?!" I am right outside your house, and we want you to come outside and say hi!" Just to let you in on something, it was 11:30 at night when he called! His girlfriend was back from college for a little bit, and she and I were good friends and she wanted to see me really bad! So I go upstairs, and say to my mom, " Mom, I know this is going to sound weird, but a bunch of my friends from work are right outside our house, and they want me to come out and say hi! Would you mind if I went out?" She surprised me by saying sure....so out I went (in my pj's!) to go give hugs and talk for a bit. I ended up talking for a half an hour with them. By the time I got back in bed it was after midnight! What a night! I'll tell you I slept really well for the rest of the night! LOL!
Posted by Country Girl at 5/29/2009 11:49:00 AM 1 comments
Church Youth Program
Posted by Country Girl at 5/28/2009 09:38:00 AM 1 comments
My busy future!
Posted by Country Girl at 5/26/2009 02:18:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by Country Girl at 5/23/2009 05:51:00 PM 0 comments
Losing my Best Friend
Posted by Country Girl at 5/18/2009 10:49:00 AM 0 comments
Missions Trip

Posted by Country Girl at 5/12/2009 09:27:00 AM 0 comments
Hunting with the Word
What's the difference you ask? Well, how do you bring someone to Christ? Do you speak of sin? Do you speak of hell? Or the judgment? Or do you use a message that goes something like this...'God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life, and if you just pray this prayer and ask Christ into your heart, you're set for life...'?
What is wrong with this teaching is, people will only come to Christ because they want to try him out and see if it's really true that God will make your life easier. Then when life's ride gets a little bumpy, they quickly ditch Christ.
Paul tells us that he did not know sin but by the law. The law is the schoolmaster to lead us to Christ. It is not until people see just how much they are guilty before God, that they want to put on God to save them from destruction. So, which gun do you hunt with?! Do you aim at man's ideas, and the place of argument, or do you aim for the heart and the conscience? Maybe you need to change your hunting tactics, only then can you down the soul into a humble submission before the Lord and his word. Hunt with the Word, and you'll never miss!
Posted by Country Girl at 5/11/2009 08:45:00 PM 0 comments
One Day
Posted by Country Girl at 5/11/2009 09:04:00 AM 0 comments
Posted by Country Girl at 5/10/2009 01:36:00 PM 1 comments
Loving work?!
Posted by Country Girl at 5/01/2009 10:48:00 AM 0 comments
The Power of Prayer
Posted by Country Girl at 4/30/2009 12:26:00 PM 0 comments
Courtship....godly dating?!
Posted by Country Girl at 4/29/2009 01:03:00 PM 0 comments
Do you have a big family? I am the oldest of 8 children. Does that count as a big family?! Each and everyone of my siblings are very special to me, but don't get me wrong, I have had my bad days with all of them. But they are very special!
Posted by Country Girl at 4/16/2009 12:03:00 PM 0 comments
The Blessing of Friends
Posted by Country Girl at 4/14/2009 12:25:00 PM 1 comments
Children...a gift from God
Posted by Country Girl at 4/12/2009 07:34:00 AM 0 comments
That special someone
Have you yet to find that special person you are to spend the rest of your life with? Or have you been bombarded with the world's view of marriage and love?
Today, people don't stay together in marriage like they used to, but look at divorce as an option if things don't go right. God has be taken out of the joining of souls, between a man and a woman who love eachother, and that is why so many marriages fail today.
Are you married, or divorced, or are you like me, who is still waiting for that right person to come along? If you are married, give your marriage to Jesus, he is the only one who will make it really work in the end. If your divorced, ask the Lord to forgive you, and start a new life in his glorious works.
To me, being single for the rest of my life is a scary thought....I long for love, and a family, and a husband. I am sure to some of you, this sounds out dated and silly, cause who wants to get married, especially at a young age! But that is where the world is wrong, marriage is a beautiful union between a man and woman, sacred vows that are to be kept until "death do us part". Most people don't look at marriage vows as being sacred any more, when most people say, "for better or worse" they really only mean, "for the better". Its a sad fact.
If God ever brings that one person I will pledge my life and complete devotion to, I will never forsake those sacred vows, nor will I loose my purity, until the day I say "I do"! I have never been touched, only by the will of God, who loves to guide and protect his children. Is God your heavenly father?! In the picture above is my grandparents. They have been happily married for almost 42 years, and by God's grace have stayed together.
I can see the love between them everytime I go to visit them, and I long to share that same kind of love with a man. Everthing I have learned in life, has been through God, my parents, grandparents and friends. I could probably say that my life started out "easy" compared to some, but its not to late to be washed in God's love and forgiveness!
If you have your partner, love him or her, for God gave you them as a gift, to show how much he really does love you!
Posted by Country Girl at 4/10/2009 11:04:00 PM 0 comments
What is it?
Posted by Country Girl at 4/10/2009 04:04:00 PM 0 comments
My Lady
I believe that everyone has experienced some form of loss in their life. In this picture, is the greatest love and the greatest loss of my life.
Lady was my 15th birthday present from my Dad and grandparents. Ever since I can remember I have wanted a horse of my very own! The day we went to look for a horse for me, I was so excited, I couldn't hold still. We went to a small farm where the owner was trying to sell two horses. He brought us into a big pasture, and shook a can of grain. When I saw Lady, I knew she was the one! She was beautiful, completely black, with four white socks and a stripe of white down her face. She was a lot like me at the time, stubborn and spirited. But she was beautiful and I loved her so much!
I didn't think I would ever want another thing on earth, now that I had my one wish. The days I spent with Lady didn't seem real, as I trained her to ride and lead. No matter the trouble, I enjoyed every minute I spent with her. She and I became so close, I believe as close as any human can have with an animal, but she wasn't just an animal to me, she was my best friend. In my heart I believed it was settled that Lady would from now on be a part of my life until the day she died.
But that belief was soon to be broken, into a hundred pieces. One day, while preparing to go out to work with Lady on her training, my dad took me aside to tell me, Lady was going to be sold. You can imagine my great sadness, I was devastated! I put my head in my hands, and sobbed like a child. To put yourself in my shoes, imagine your dad tells you that he is sending your best friend away from you, and you'll never see that friend ever again.
Just retelling this story makes me cry, even though it's been almost a year since Lady was sold, it still hurts to look back. So, no matter how much you think about how you'll never lose things you love, there is no guarantee. God is in control of your life, and He knew what would happen to you and to me before it even happened. And even though how it ended was the greatest trial of my life, that year and a half that I had with my Lady, was the best year and a half of my life!
Posted by Country Girl at 4/08/2009 02:08:00 PM 0 comments