With as much as I love to express my life lessons and joys, you would think I would have written alot more than I have! Its been over 2 months since I have written! Not good! So I will try to fill my bloggers in as good as I can!
The Lord has shown me, that the way I dress and act really tells the story of my heart! Before giving my life over to the Lord, the way I acted and dressed was spiritually and physically not modest! I am so thankful that the Lord walked with me every step of the way, even when my heart was far from him, he protected me!
In March of this year, I gave everything to the Lord! It was a true struggle to give up any control I thought I had over my life, and turn my future, and my hopes all over into the Lord's perfect care! How silly you might say, that it would be such a struggle! But every one of us wish to have control over our life, but in reality, the Lord has control! But if we willing submit to him our lives, he carries our burdens, and makes it lighter! Sure, life will never be easy, but with the knowledge that the Lord is in control, we will be greeting our struggles in life with a smile, and a joy that is unlike anything you have ever experienced! Sure right now you say you are happy, and life is not all that bad, but when all your worries and cares are finally passed over to the one who so longs and desires for you to trust HIM, you will find a new joy!
And my God has blessed me with my beloved Daniel! Today is our 2 month courting anniversary! We have grown to love eachother very deeply, and I thank the Lord daily for this unexpected blessing in my life! Whenever I talk with him, my heart beats fast with praise and love for the Lord, and love for Daniel! And everytime I stop and pray, thanks and heart felt gratitude are on my lips! The Lord just recently blessed me with a working car for a great deal, right in our time of need when cars is something our family is short on! And then the Lord blesses me with extra hours at work when money is something I need to help my family! We serve an amazing God! And none of these blessings are because of me, they are because the Lord has chosen to bless me! But these blessings didn't happen until I gave over my needs to the Lord! And he provided 3 wonderful blessings! What an amazing God we serve!
My dear fellow bloggers, God loves you so much he isn't satisfied until he has our whole heart, until he has our full attention! Change of the heart doesn't happen until the Lord is the one filling our hearts! I love you all so much, your prayers for me and Daniel and my family are greatly appreciated! God bless you all and thanks for reading!
Oh Rachel! Thx for the new post! It was a great message! It is also your turn to post on our blog, but the God we serve is an amazing God! God is faithful, we need to wait on the Lord and he will bless us! My family has been praying for you guys, especially now that Becca is goin' to have surgery.
May the Lord bless you all!
Rach!!! I have missed your blogging! =( Thanks for writing =) I love you MUCHO GRANDE!!! =D Thanks for this post too =)
Thanks Kelly! It means alot to me! :) Love you much, and I will write in our blog when I get "hit" with something! LOL! Love ya! <3
Hey Beth!!!!!!!!! :)
I missed blogging too, its good to be back! Sorry it took me so long to get back on! SO much going on! lol I love you MUCHO GRANDE!!!!!! Big hugs my sister! :)
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