Sunday was God's idea!

Music is a powerful tool, and can be used for either a good or bad message! Today, we can say that most music has become corrupt, and people like music for all the wrong reasons!
Music was made to be enjoyed! And it was God's idea! The Bible tells us to sing to ourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, Singing and making melody in our hearts! The Lord loves music, evident by his creation, even the birds have song! We were made to serve and praise the Lord! We praise the Lord through music!
So how heartbreaking to think we no longer sing for our God, but just for ourselves!
I love to sing, it lifts my spirits, and makes me smile when I am having a ruff day! But how much better is it to sing from the heart for our Lord? Make a joyful noise unto the Lord! I want the music I listen to to praise God, and to honor him! It is so important to present the Lord in every aspect of our lives! If we claim to be a Christian, and yet listen to demonic music, what kind of a message are we sending to the unsaved souls of this world?! Search your heart, and your music Christian, are you presenting a good message for the Lord? Just remember, music was God's idea! Thanks for reading and God bless you!


Kelly said...

Right on Rachel! That's so true! I had to get rid of a bunch of my music because it was hard rock and so on.
Keep it up sister!

Sumthin' Good Listings said...

Awesome! good reminder for me, I can get caught up in the music I listen to.

Country Girl said...

Thanks Kelly! Its encouraging to know my posts are "hitting the nail on the head." lol Love you! <3

Country Girl said...

So do I Andy! But our Lord is patient with us, thankfully as we learn what he wants of us! I love you so much buddy! <3 :)

Kelly said...

'Hitting the nail?' Never heard that way before but that's one way to put it! Ur turn to post on our blog! miss ya and luv ya!
