When I was younger, I used to think that after engagement, the time till the wedding would fly because of how excited and swept away I would be! But now here I am, 5 and a half months from me and my fiance's wedding, and its torture!
Everyday is a test of patience and faith! I find myself saying, it'll come sooner than I think, and then again it won't, but then again it will! Ha Ha!
My mind keeps going over, "Stand still, and wait upon the Lord." We both have waited so long for the one person we were meant to spend the rest of our lives with, so why now, when we have finally found them, do our patience fail us?! But I think I have found that the Lord is showing me personally, that I have yet more time to dedicate to patience! I couldn't be more thankful that the Lord has brought Daniel to me, but I am not yet patient enough! Sometimes the time needed to dedicate to practicing true patience is given to us in a time and place that seems unnecessary! But what better time to practice patience then before marriage?!
Every day, the Lord shows me how he knows best, and to just trust him, and wait! I am so thankful the Lord hasn't given up on me, and that he still stands by me, leading me and teaching me as his child! In the end it comes down to, "Are you going to trust God? Or are you going to take your life into your own hands again, and speed things up?!" Christian, we must also remember that the Lord's timing is perfect, I know that from past experience! Trying to speed up God's plan is like ordering a three course meal all blended together into a food smoothie! The end result in both pictures are messy and unappetizing!
The Lord wasn't kidding when he labeled patience as being a virtue! It is one fruit of the spirit that comes slowly for me! But I want so much to be a patient person, and in the end, the only way I will succeed is to pray, and give it to God, and he will do the rest!
Remember Christian, the Lord has all the patience you will ever need, plus a million times over! Be thankful that he is patient, cause had he given us what we deserved, we are eternally lost! But for some reason, he chooses to be merciful! He loves us more than any spouse, friend, or family member! We are his cherished creation, and through his grace do we thrive! Live your life day to day at the feet of God! I post this under the knowledge, I have yet to be truly patient! I have no desire to be a big talker, little doer! But I pray that through my sinful mistakes, you might catch on before you pay the consequences! Thanks for reading my fellow bloggers! Take care and God bless!
5 months of eternity, and the patience to face it!
Posted by Country Girl at 11/10/2010 02:12:00 PM 5 comments
Rachel, will you marry me?
Thursday evening, the unexpected happened! I got a call from my courting mate Daniel, and he sounded like he had something heavy on his heart! But no amount of preparing could have caused my heart to be ready for what he did say in the end!
He asked me what was on my heart, and that he really needed to know! So I told him everything that had been on my heart for the past several weeks, not leaving anything out, hoping it would put his mind to rest! I heard him sigh when I was finished, and he said, "Rachel, can I call you back in a few minutes?" I said sure, and he hung up! I sat there wondering what I had said to upset him, sure I had just caused him to struggle with all I had said! For 20 minutes, I wondered and worried, so unaware that he was using that 20 minutes to call his parents, and my parents!
After what seemed like forever he finally called back, and he sounded humbled and excited! I didn't have any idea what I was about to hear! He took a deep breath and said, " I sent you an email, you can open it now." As I opened the email, the picture which I have attached to this post popped up! I was speechless, but Daniel wasn't! Because as I looked at the picture, he said in a voice so tender,"Rachel, will you marry me?" I am pretty sure my heart stopped beating for a split second! As soon as I could breath again, I said, "What else can I say, YES YES!" Right after that, I heard my parents laugh outside the door! Then I knew what had gone on during that 20 minutes! The rest of our conversation consisted of telling each other how much we love each other, and how thankful we are that we are finally engaged! It is the strangest thing to think that in a few months, I will be married, and start a new life with the man who the Lord brought to me! I also thought of the title of this blog, and how underneath it says, "My search for my true love." I have truly found my earthly true love! I am so thankful, and my heart is so full of rejoicing and gladness!
I love Daniel so much, and the best part about it is, I had nothing to do with his coming into my life, it was all of the Lord! Now I just look forward to being the help meet God created me to be, and learning to be a loving wife with the Lord's help! You fellow bloggers have been such a blessing and support, and its my great joy to share my happy news with you! God bless you all and thanks for reading!
Posted by Country Girl at 10/31/2010 10:23:00 AM 14 comments
Music....it was God's idea!
Posted by Country Girl at 10/10/2010 12:09:00 PM 5 comments
Simple life, not of situation, but of belief!
Posted by Country Girl at 10/09/2010 03:40:00 PM 4 comments
Beautiful Change, Wonderful Joy, Unbelievable Blessing!

Posted by Country Girl at 10/08/2010 01:57:00 PM 4 comments
Commitment....knowing and doing are two different things!
Posted by Country Girl at 8/25/2010 09:45:00 AM 4 comments
Learning and Listening walk hand in hand!
Posted by Country Girl at 8/19/2010 08:42:00 PM 6 comments
Stand Still, and wait upon the Lord!
Posted by Country Girl at 8/16/2010 11:04:00 PM 2 comments
Start your day with yourself or God?!
Posted by Country Girl at 8/16/2010 01:37:00 AM 6 comments
Pray for me!
Posted by Country Girl at 8/14/2010 03:26:00 PM 10 comments
I am just happy!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Country Girl at 7/26/2010 01:38:00 AM 0 comments
Some things don't change!
Posted by Country Girl at 7/25/2010 12:03:00 PM 0 comments
What am I going to do?!
I have been having such a good week, but something is missing! And I know what it is! But how to deal with it until I get to see those people again?! I don't know! I am surrounded by my best friends, and yet I am lonely! Sad and true! I had such a good day yesterday, and yet I couldn't stop thinking of them! I know this post is a little random, but maybe righting down my thoughts will help me sort them! ha ha!
Posted by Country Girl at 7/23/2010 08:50:00 AM 0 comments
My cup over floweth!
Posted by Country Girl at 7/21/2010 01:44:00 AM 0 comments
Rain Drops Fall
The smell of a storm in the air,
The chill in the breeze,
And we outside have no time to spare,
Under the nearest shade we squeeze!
Rain drops fall!
Yes on everything in site!
And we can all hear the call,
That comes with the lightning light!
Rain drops fall in my hair,
They fall on the book in my hands,
But I love rain, so I don't care,
That I get covered wet in this liquid land!
The depression that comes with rain!
How gray the day does seem!
A strong emotion to hard to explain,
Until the sun, again, does beam!
Rain drops fall on my guitar,
They fall on the coat over my shoulder,
I really don't know where my affections are,
Things sure can't get any colder!
But the Lord still loves me,
No matter what gloom I recall,
When focused on Him how happy I can be,
Even, yes even when rain drops fall!
Posted by Country Girl at 7/19/2010 08:54:00 AM 0 comments
Being lonely!
Posted by Country Girl at 7/19/2010 08:36:00 AM 2 comments
Who is that Lord?
I walk the road of lonely life,
I wish there was someone for me,
Who could relieve me of all my strife,
All I can say, is who can that someone be?
I pray both day and night,
For someone from the Lord,
That would love me with all his might,
And who was pure in thought and word!
The Lord holds me in his hand,
And he says, Be patient my child!
But its hard to be patient in this lonely land,
And my heart wants to run wild!
So I have given my love to God,
I say find me someone to give this too,
With patience my feet will be shod,
As I wait for the love of my life, you!
Today I stand in the hand of the Lord,
And in his other hand stands a young man,
And I cry, who is that Lord?
He says, this is who is in my plan!
I cry with joy!
As the man on the other side,
reaches his hand out with joy,
And says, Lord is this the one who will stand by my side?!
The Lord looks down with love and smiles,
Yes my children, I bless you together!
May you always look to me through life's miles,
And may you always honor and love one another!
God's plan is like no other,
His love for us is unbound,
Just like when he brought us together,
In God's love we are found!
Posted by Country Girl at 7/17/2010 10:55:00 AM 0 comments
It came softly....
Posted by Country Girl at 7/17/2010 10:21:00 AM 0 comments
Life lesson number two: Love like CRAZY!!!!!
Posted by Country Girl at 6/24/2010 01:31:00 AM 3 comments
Life lesson number one: Don't listen to Crystal!!!!!!
Posted by Country Girl at 6/21/2010 01:20:00 AM 2 comments
Looking to hard at a small part of the Big Picture!
Posted by Country Girl at 6/20/2010 01:16:00 AM 4 comments
A time to breath!
Posted by Country Girl at 6/19/2010 12:09:00 AM 0 comments
Where is the joy?
Posted by Country Girl at 6/16/2010 06:09:00 PM 6 comments
Light in the darkness
Many people walk the path of sin,
but light from the darkness shall spring,
Our Savior in the end shall win,
And souls in heaven shall sing!
On the path of life I tread,
But so many souls are lost!
And many more, their hopes are dead,
And their souls into hell are tossed!
A warrior of the Lord I must be!
No more will I hide and wait,
The Spirit of the Lord I must find in me,
I promise you Lord, I will no longer wait!
Rescued souls I harvest,
Only for the Lord I work,
But my heart is not the best,
Yet the Lord has done his work!
Praise the Lord, so many saved!
They sing glory to him!
And with gold the streets are paved,
Walking on heaven's glory safe to him!
Posted by Country Girl at 6/14/2010 07:55:00 PM 2 comments
What do I do?
Have you ever come across a time in your life when something is weighing heavy on your heart, and yet, there are no words to express it?! It is so frustrating, and yet, it seems so right that you can't explain it, can't even begin to try!
Tonight, when I took my dog out for her walk, I looked up, and for the first time in weeks, saw a clear night sky, and my heart swelled with awe as I look at the stars! No words can even begin to describe why such a sight takes my breath away, or that I start to tear up, and let the tears roll down my cheeks.
Same goes for when I look at someone I love. You almost believe that just by looking at them, they will know without looking at you, just what your thinking! But then comes when you really want them to know how you feel, and yet, nothing seems right...it just seems right to keep silent, and just let it take your breath away!
When I look at the stars, or at someone I love, the same question always comes to mind....what does God have planned for my life?
I would like to think, that his plan is for me is to graduate college with no broken bones, or hearts. And that I would marry and raise a family, instead of starting a career that in the end, I will end up hating, like my dad.
I must always remind myself of my quote I made up, "God knows, and that's all I need to know." But I also like to quote a friend of mine, who says to me often, "You don't know what the future holds, but you know who holds the future." I like to think that God is up in heaven right now, shaking his head at me and saying,"Rachel, Rachel, you silly little girl! Why are you so afraid to let me take over? Where has your faith gone? Don't you know that I have everything planned out just right, and if you would just listen, you'll find something better than what you have in mind!"
So, what do I do? And just out of curiosity, what would you do? Life is no easy road, and there are alot of things we will never fully understand, until when we die, and see God, we won't even be able to remember what bugged us so much that we wanted to end life early just to get it over with! I believe, that if we stop clutching the wheel of life so tightly, we just might be able to live, for real, in a place that seems unbearable at the time!
Just remember my fellow readers, that life is unexpected for everyone, except God! He knew before you were born, where you were going to end up! But if you fiddle with God's plan, that's when things get ugly, and the painting of life looks a little bit sloppy, cause we just couldn't help but bump God's hand while he was at work!
So what do I do? The answer is nothing! Just stand still, and wait upon the Lord! God bless and thanks for reading!
Posted by Country Girl at 6/12/2010 12:59:00 AM 0 comments
A Split Second Flash!
Posted by Country Girl at 5/31/2010 09:40:00 AM 4 comments