God's little blessings!
Alot of things have happened since I posted last! I have now been married for 7 and a half months, and have loved every second of it! We have also added some "kids" to our family! We now have 4 parakeets and 2 turtles! They are so cute!
I have also applied for a job at a pet store, and I am waiting to see if that is what the Lord wants me to do! If he does, I will get the hours that I want, and not have to work Sunday!
I have had so many blessings happen in my life! I have learned so much about being a wife, and I know there is still alot to learn! I have had a closer relationship with my friends, and made some new ones! I have also learned alot about people, and my heart is bursting with things to blog about, so hopefully, you will be seeing alot more of me in the future!
But what I really wanted to talk about was counting your blessings of God!
I am sure alot of us have gone through the stage of, "I have nothing to be thankful for" or " I don't even care" in life! I am here to tell you, you have so much to be thankful for! Have you ever taken time to just breath in some fresh air, and thanked God for the very air you breath? How about the beating of your heart? Or your family who loves you? Or how about this...Thank you God for loving and dieing for me! We should always look at life as "the glass is half full" or "there is always a silver lining"!
Because God is part of our lives, we shouldn't be sad, but be thankful for what we have, because in my experience, even the little things matter, and whatever God gives you, is enough! I listen to our parakeets sing in the morning, and I thank God for his creation! I turn to see my husband by my side and thank God for creating him! I get a letter from my family and thank God for them! We could go on and on with things to thank the Lord for, and be thankful for! I have alot of friends I know who are struggling, and I pray for them everyday that they might see how blessed their life is despite their struggles! Cause even when we struggle, the Lord is with us, and that in itself is a blessing!
I hope all my fellow bloggers and readers will dedicate to the Lord to find one thing everyday to be thankful for! Cause I guarantee, you have alot to be thankful for! So count God's little blessings, and find new joy! Thank you for reading, and God bless you!
Posted by Country Girl at 12/17/2011 01:34:00 PM 2 comments
Excuse me while I pull your hair....with love!
Have you ever had someone come up to you on a hot sweaty day, and give you a great big hug and their sweaty arms stuck to your hair as they wrapped you up, and then as they brought there arms down, your hair was pulled unintentionally? It has happened to me a couple of times, and the only thing about that hug that was unpleasant was that you got your hair pulled! But you knew that the person causing your pain was doing it in an act of love! Funny isn't it?
We often do things in an act of love, and yet we may have hurt someone without meaning to! I have learned this in my almost 4 weeks of marriage! We say something that we mean to be a show of our love, and yet some how we manage to hurt someone with our words through a miscommunication or misunderstanding of what the other person means! I will admit I am not that good as perceiving what the meaning of someones choice of words might be sometimes, but I do know that jumping to conclusions without solid fact to base it on can hurt someone, and yourself very much!
Same kind of thing can happen with your parents and siblings, not just your spouse! And sometimes even your friends! Christian, it is important to watch what we say and do, or we might hurt someone without meaning to!
Before closing this post I will update you all on how life has been since I last posted something! It has been wonderful! The Lord has truly blessed my marriage with Daniel, and as we continue to look to the Lord, I hope this will help us to be kind to one another everyday, and that we would ever be understanding! Nothing in this world is perfect, but with the Lord's help it can be better! Thank you all so much for reading, and God bless you!
Posted by Country Girl at 5/26/2011 06:16:00 AM 3 comments
....they became fools!
Has someone ever asked for your forgiveness and you felt like they had no right to ask for it, or that they weren't worthy of forgiveness, especially from you?!
Christian, I ask you this...if this has ever been the case with you, are you truly a Christian?! One of the very roots of Christianity is forgiveness! God forgave you of your sins when you repented and excepted Christ, do the people around you deserve anything less from you? If God can forgive you, then you can surely forgive them!
Cause I am sure we have all done something in our life that we wish we could take back, or do differently, but it is in the past! Leave the past in the past, don't dwell in it! Put yourself in the position of the person you refuse to forgive, are you giving them any hope? Or showing them the love of God which SHOULD be in you?!
I forget the name of the famous person who said this, but I think these words are convicting for all! "Have you no wish for others to be saved?! Then you are not saved yourself, be sure of that!" Every Christian should have a burning desire to win people to Christ, but how will you lead someone to Christ, when all they see is your unloving actions, and unforgiving looks?!
Christian, I tell you that when we accept Christ we are a new person, and with that new person, should be the fruit of the Spirit, one of which is forgiveness! Forgive so that you also may be forgiven! And if you think that they aren't worthy, you certainly aren't! You will be considered a fool! "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools!
Surely if we focus on a persons faults, and make them seem larger than they really are, we will be convicted of something that in the end is foolishness! Pay attention to the beam in your own eye hypocrite, only then will you see clearly to take the speck out of someone else eye!
My last point here, if God can find it in his heart to forgive you, can you not do likewise? "Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, and love them who spitefully use you." Thank you for reading and God bless you!
Posted by Country Girl at 4/19/2011 04:34:00 PM 1 comments
To be or not to be?
Well Christian, how long are we going to play blind? God always answers our prayers, but his answers are different! It could be Yes, no, wait a while, not yet, maybe, or just be patient!
We must always be willing to except the Lord's will for our life, and be prepared that our plan may not be God's plan! Be assured Christian, God's plan is better!
Don't let your imagination tell you that the Lord told you yes! Wait upon the Lord for a true answer that comes from him! But you ask, "Rachel how will I know its the Lord?" You will know because the Lord will give you understanding in your heart, but don't look too hard! Just wait, and have a willing heart, and open eyes, and the Lord will not lead you astray!
Be willing to look to the Lord and say, "I believe you want me to go here, so be or not to be? I believe you want me to be with this person, be or not to be?" Don't say in your heart that its where the Lord wants you without waiting for the Lord's confirmation that this is indeed his plan! So many hearts will break for every time they assume that they know!
It often happens that because we are willing to let the Lord have his hands on our future, that what we desire is given us, but again, it probably won't be the way you expect it, but it will be far better than you imagined! I hope and pray for everyone of you, that you would be willing to wait for the Lord's answer, and follow his instructions, and not your own!
God loves you, so give him a chance to show it through his blessing which he will bestow because of your loving obedience to him! Like I have said many times, the Lord desires to bless us, because he loves us like a father! Christian, be willing to wait upon the Lord, and stop and say, To be or not to be? God bless you all and thanks for reading!
Posted by Country Girl at 3/28/2011 01:04:00 AM 2 comments
I give my heart, my life, my all to you my God!
Posted by Country Girl at 3/26/2011 02:34:00 AM 3 comments
What am I getting into?!
Posted by Country Girl at 3/19/2011 05:51:00 PM 2 comments
The world won't understand
If so, how did your explanation go? If you experience was anything like mine, it didn't go real well! It is understandable that unsaved people will not understand why you do the things you could they? They don't know the Lord or what he asks of us as Christians! It saddens my heart when they ask me questions like, "Why haven't you tried to kiss your fiance yet, what if he is a bad kisser?" Or, "Why in the world did your parents have that many kids? They should have stuck with just you and your brother."
I have an answer for both questions, first I have never kissed anyone else before so how am I supposed to know what a bad kiss is? I love my fiance with my whole heart, and the Lord is at the center of our relationship, and that is what is important! And, God tells us that children are a blessing, and happy is the man that has his quiver full of them! But will the world understand even with these answers?! No, I am sad to say, because again, they don't not know our Lord!
I have witnessed to several of my coworkers, but in the end, they make a decision on whether or not the believe in our Lord! And many have chosen not too! You see fellow Christians, the world won't understand until they have come to a knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ! Until they do, our attempts to explain our lives will fall on deaf ears!
But we should look at this as yet another reason to spread God's word! For if we desire to be understood, we must bring more to Christ, that they may understand! We can't save every soul, without our Lord, and the converts for Him that we reap! God saves, and we are the tools that he uses! I have a desire to be able to say, that the world can understand, because the Lord used us to bring them back to the knowledge of right and wrong, and the law of the Lord!
Every time we lead someone to Christ, the Lord will make another understanding ear toward the things of God! And the more who understand, the more we will be understood! Christians, the world won't understand, but God can make them understand! God bless you and thanks for reading!
Posted by Country Girl at 2/17/2011 09:20:00 AM 4 comments
Agape Love!
If there is one thing that everyone longs for, then I would have to say that it is love! Whether or not it is admitted, every heart longs to know that they are loved!
That is probably one thing about our Lord Jesus that causes the heart of the hardened to soften, they long for something they thought couldn't happen for them, agape, or unconditional love! God loves us with this kind of love!
I found God's agape love and long time ago, but I desired more, I desired agape love from another on earth! How little I knew in God's plan for life, that an unexpected and gradual love would grow and deepen in the heart of another, so much so that they desired to spend the rest of their life with me! And yet his agape love only gives me a glimpse of the love the Lord has for me!
My love for Daniel grew so quietly I didn't know what it was until it was too late for my heart, I was stuck on him! I had been so afraid of another heartbreak in my life, and kept it to myself, never questioning his motives of being just friends! I still remember the night I asked him finally, because my heart was heavy in continuing! "Do you care about me?" How amazed I was to learn that this man loved me, and how much I praise God for his unfailing, unconditional love!
My dear follow bloggers, my quest for unconditional love has only just begun! As me and my beloved continue to grow in our love, I believe the Lord will show us even more the true meaning of the word agape!
But as my beloved fondly states, we love because He first loved us! God is the true example of agape love, He made us out of love, He gave the definition of love when He died for us, selflessly on the cross! No second thoughts, no doubts, He went to die for us out of love!
Do you love someone so much you are willing to die for them?! A fool fights to have what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose! Dieing for a friend is something I would like to say I would do without second thought, but I know in my heart that I would hesitate!
Maybe you to desire to search for agape love, but you don't know where to start! Don't start with man, for man will fail you, go to the one that died an innocent death to save your very soul! Is that not both wonderful and heartbreaking? Who are we that the son of God should die in our place? We rightly deserve the fate that would await us if Jesus had not stepped in, yet He chose to be merciful, and forgiving!
We had no idea what true love was, until God came! And for that, I am ever so grateful! I don't deserve the love of my family, friends, or fiance, and especially not the love of my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ! Love with agape, like Christ did! Thank you for reading, and God bless you!
Posted by Country Girl at 2/04/2011 08:54:00 AM 4 comments
Going the distance
Posted by Country Girl at 1/11/2011 01:05:00 PM 0 comments
Two weeks of painful, wonderful time spent before the Lord!
Posted by Country Girl at 1/10/2011 01:03:00 PM 3 comments