
Love Openly!!!

Have you given someone a hug recently? No, not a little side hug, or half hearted hug, I mean a REAL hug! Love is an important everyday thing that we need in order to keep going.
Think about it Christian, without love, we truly would have nothing to look forward to in life! So love someone today, you never know what will happen tomorrow! Love openly! God bless you!


There is a God!

Its impossible for someone to look at the world, themselves, their families, and all they have, and not see that there is a God!
I am almost 19, and even though my life has had many turns, many trials, many sorrows, my life has also been full of blessings and loves! I can say that God he definitely protected my soul, I feel like Satan is working over time to tear my life apart, to make me doubt, but God himself protects me! I feel safe in his arms, he loves me like a father, and I couldn't have asked for a better friend.
Even now, past struggles tempt me to feel sorry for myself, and say to myself that I have not a chance in the world, but I know the exact opposite is true! My mom is pregnant with her 9th child, and I am looking forward to caring for another little sibling. I pray God will guard my family from Satan's attacks. I know its only through God's protection that my family is still soundly saved and together! My God keep it so! I love you Mom, Dad, Seth, Rebecca, Sarah, Abbie, Lydia, Luke, and Benjamin!


Fighting against the pull!

Temptation is a strange thing, we all know what is right and wrong, cause we all have a conscience. But when it comes to something we know we shouldn't do, we have this over whelming want to do it!
Hey, we all get tempted as a test, at least my siblings aren't tempted every time to eat my birthday cake before its time!
Whether we admit it or not, sin looks very tempting! Somethings just don't loose their ugly charm that makes us want to just grab it up and dive head first right into it. But the Bible tells us that sin lasts for but a season.(Hebrews 11:25)
No matter how right it feels, or what good you "think" it might do, its an ugly trick that will fade within the year. I have been tempted to do things that are far out from what is right....but God has protected me, and everyday I thank him for his protection.
Yes I know none of us are going to be able to resist temptation 100% of the time! But that is why we need to turn to God, and ask him to be our protector. With him all things are possible! And with him in your life, you are able to fight against the pull of temptation! God bless and thanks for reading! Keep the comments coming!


A knife in the soul of sin

None of us are perfect, and we sin everyday without fail. As Christians, we hate our sinful nature, and try to learn from our mistakes. If someone else is involved in your sin, being able to ask for forgiveness is important. Sharing your past sins with your loved ones can hurt you, and your loved ones....but being honest with the ones we love is very important to spiritual peace between you.
But sharing your sins can also cause extreme pain later in life with that loved one. True forgiveness means you will never bring up that past sin to your loved one, as a sign of respect to their repentance. But sometimes in anger or sadness, we may bring up the past sin we forgave to hurt that loved one. This is wrong, beyond all, its destructive both mentally and spiritually. When we bring up past sins that we say we "forgave" we were lying, both to ourselves and to the one we forgave.
Without forgiveness there is no true healing of the past, and that person has to start over. If you love someone, never use their sins against them! You may loose your loved ones, and it won't be easy. Again, referring to my posts of love in the past, unconditional love is the love we need to strive to live out. Cause if we love someone unconditionally, no matter what they do, you will love them! Their good and their bad!
I can hear you say, but that person deserved to be punish because of their sin! But Christian, we are no better, and taking revenge is even worse! If we are to judge others, be ready to judge yourself by the same standard. So Christian, love unconditionally, and put and knife in the soul of YOUR sin, not others! God bless and thanks for reading!


A Happy Heart

Ever heard the saying a merry heart doeth good like a medicine? Well, there is alot of truth to this, and it just happens to be a Bible verse!(Proverbs 17:22)
I find that often God will use me to make other people happy, and I often wish that more people wanted to do the same for me. When I am joyful in spirit, I find that my light heart and joyful spirit will easily rub off on others. My humor is easily set off, which means I have a tendency to laugh out loud with unharnessed pleasure! This has often been my down fall and to my great distress can be quite embarrassing!
I am definitely different from other girls, my looks will often be unkept, nor do I struggle to stay clean when I am outside. Just ask my parents, grass stains, mud streaks, you name it! I love to run with my dog out at my grandparents beef farm. I love taking long walks in the afternoon and early evening. Sometimes we don't feel like being merry and loving, every day presents its own little struggles. As I watch my family pull together as we struggle, I thank God he is with us, without him my family would easily be pulled apart. The ability to laugh is important; without the ability to laugh, we are unable to shake our misery. This last year has been probably the hardest for me out of the ones I remember well. But God still somehow makes it easy for me to be joyful even in he midst of distress and sadness. The next time you see someone who is struggling with a heavy heart, help them, making their heart light and merry with glee. We all need to be able to laugh! Thank you for reading and God Bless!


Looking into a mirror

I guess you can say that a very big percentage of the American population looks into the mirror at least 3 to 4 times a day. A vain individual might look into the mirror up to 20 times a day!
The point of this post isn't about the sins of looking into a mirror, so us girls can relax! In a is about sin though.
When we witness to people, we say there are several ways to witness to someone, but only one way is the most effective, and the end results are the ones needed for true Christian conversion.
The Bible tells us that by the law is the knowledge of sin.(Romans 3:20) Paul tell us that he had not known what sin was until he knew the law.(Romans 7:7) God's law, the Ten Commandments, is the mirror we need to look into.
When we look into the mirror, it doesn't lie to us, we see exactly what we look like, and often, we don't like what we see! Its the same with the Ten Commandments, God's perfect law is something we have all broken, either in our hearts, or in our actions. We can't hide from the fact that when we are looking into the "law mirror" we look dirty, ugly, and unworthy! But God loved us so much, that he died for us! He died so that when we look into the "law mirror" we can see ourselves as clean! We are not perfect, and never will be, but because of God's gift to us, we have our evil deeds washed from our lives so that when we enter into heaven, God will say, "Come in child of God, I have been waiting for you!" All we need to do, is realize our sins, and turn from them, and walk toward the light of God's word! So, next time you look into the mirror, remember God's love for you, and his law. Strive to follow him, even when you can't be perfect, our God will never forsake you! (Deu 31:6) God Bless and thanks for reading!


The Dark room of Sadness

The Dark room of Sadness?! And your thinking, get real what is that?!
But alot of people will be able to understand this, in fact, alot of people may have experienced this. Life is definitely not all hugs and kisses, alot of the time, the struggles we experience make life seem horribly unfair for some of us. Well, this is the room we go to when we give up. We hide ourselves away from everyone and everything, we may even stop eating and speaking completely. You feel like your in a dark room, alone with no light at all, except the bleak reality that life isn't going the way you expected.
This has been a learning process for me, that no matter what or who you loose, you need to take your problems to God, instead of shutting yourself up in that room. I can say that even now, with the problems I am facing, I want to shut myself up in the room again. Like when I lost that special person, I am tempted to turn my back on my heavenly father, but I know that will only cause more pain....for myself. I love God, that will never change, always, I will love him!
Why I share this with you, is because I believe we all have our "rooms" that we go into when things are really bad. When God is near, and in our hearts, the things that effect us most dwindle out and fade in the light of his perfect holiness. Nail the closed sign on your "room" for good, and turn to God! Thanks for reading and God bless!


Saved or not?

In this life, no matter who you are, you will meet people who think differently then you do. And more than likely you will also have friends that think differently than you as well.
But there is one fact, no matter if your friends are saved or not, you still care about them.
I have several friends, some saved and some not, and no matter our differences, I care about them very much.
Its hard being a Christian, and knowing what is going to happen to those friends who aren't saved. That is why we need to strain to be a witness to our friends. My father always says, "Live your life in view of your death, because what matters on your death bed is what really matters in life." I think he has got a good point, and a good moral. So, be a witness to your friends Christian, and bring more home with you! Thanks for reading, and God bless!


The Beauty of the Season

You know how it is when the late last months of winter are slowly going by and you get really bored, and anything seems to be an improvement from the boredom of the day. And once in a while something cute comes out of that boredom.
This is a picture of my youngest brother and sibling Benjamin. He has a tendency to get wild during these months, but he is a joy, an adorable brother! I thank God for the beautiful months of winter, and the refreshing days of summer! And as I look ahead at my life, and can only see the good that will come, and if bad should follow, I know God will be there for me!
Thank you for reading! And keep commenting!


My New Siggy

Anger is a good sign

Have you ever witnessed to someone, and have them blow up in your face?! Its scares you half death, and you no longer want to witness cause you are afraid of rejection!
Christian, anger is a good sign! I can say this, cause I have had quite a few anger reactions! Last night, I had an anger reaction. My co-worker Mike is what I would call a very confused and lost young man. He listens to devil worship music. Its repulsing to me, seeing someone listen to the worst demonic music available! But even a soul that seems to be claimed by Satan himself, is hungry for the truth! I brought him through all of the ten commandments, and he had broken all of them! Upon discovering that he had broken all of them, he proceeded to celebrate this "victory". He said he was Satan's right hand man, and began ranting and raving about how much he was looking forward to hell! But I wasn't fooled, he got very quiet, which gave me a chance to ask him if the fact that he was going to hell concerned him, he said no! He said he and the devil would be smoking together when he got there! I told him what hell really was, a place of eternal punishment! He began to yell at me that he didn't care and how he wished I would shut up about hell! He banged things around and stomped around, and I was trying hard not the laugh! Anger is a sign of conviction, and Mike didn't want to be convicted! He went on yelling that he was here to tick the world off!(that was not exactly what he said, I changed the words a little)
He also proceeded to sing about Satan and hell, trying to show that he was unaffected, but I had to try hard not to smile, its an interesting thing to see conviction take someone captive! Christian, we are called be witnesses! The next time someone starts yelling and getting angry, remember, Anger is a good sign! Referring to what I said up top about being scared half to death....what happens when you get scared half to death twice?! Thanks for reading and God Bless!


I love to argue!

Ok, don't get me wrong, I don't like the real nasty arguments that nobody enjoys! Have you ever won an argument? If you have, you know its a fun achievement! You are thinking, wow, I finally know what its like to be the winner!
Ok, it not always that great but let me get to my point. In this world Christian, people are going to drowned you with questions, and if you don't know the answers, its a sad fact, that we do look ridiculous, that is why in my post Expelled, I encouraged you to only talk about what you know.
But back to arguing, you will be amazed at what a wonderful feeling it is to present a good argument, as I continue to learn from my elders, and people who are, just plain smarter than me, I have learned how to argue.
One night when I was working late, I got into a spiritual and evolutionary argument with a co-worker, its amazing, to be able to explain a scientific or spiritual argument, and see the one you are trying to convict, nod in agreement. If what you present makes sense, its easy for them to listen. If you know the scriptures, and you know your science, and you know your Lord, being a Christian should be such a blessing to us!
And, I don't want your main reason for studying scriptures and science is so that you can feel that good feeling, I want you to study, so that when you witness to someone, and if they randomly start throwing those questions out, you can give an answer, if they see that we, the Christians, can give an answer, they will be like,"Hmm, maybe Christians aren't as crazy as I once thought."
Make today's world Christian, drop their jaw at what you have to say, and make God's blessing of your wisdom that you learn, a beacon on which to shine on the unbeliever, convicting and converting! Lets be the warriors of the World Christian! Are you with me?! God Bless!


O to be invisible!

Have you ever been in a situation where you have wanted to disappear? Or where everyone and everything seems to be against you?! The world is full of critics, people who will look at you with a critical eye.
Your imagination will run away with you as you try to figure out what they might be thinking. "That person is weird, they are a christian, they are ugly, not very attractive, and they will never be popular." How do you fight this fear that you feel, will the world ever except me?! We all want to fit in, and we all want to be liked, and we want to please people, why is that?
The reason is that if we do all this, the world will might no longer be on your back for being a Christian. We have the right idea, but we have placed it in the wrong court! We are not called to be world pleasers, we are called to be God's pleaser! The Bible tells us to be the salt of the earth! Salt irritates, so.....GO IRRITATE SOMEONE!
If we are not irritating the world, and the people in it, we are a poor excuse for a Christian my friend! Cause God sure doesn't tell us to become part of the world, so that you can't see a difference, he calls us to be the LIGHT of the world, we need to stand completely apart from the world!
The Bible also tells us to be ready to give an answer! So, only talk about the things you know! And as for the things you don't know about, study to show yourself approved unto God!
Sure, we have all had our "o to be invisible" moments! Who doesn't? But seriously Christian, what God want from us, is the exact opposite of invisible, be visible, fearing no man, but forever loving and obeying our God!
So, tomorrow when you find yourself in the presence of the world, you should be "dancing" with all that God has given you, stand out and be a light for God! Thank you for reading, and God bless!



America is a nation of freedom, or at least it used to be. Our forefathers fought for freedom, the freedom of speech, the freedom to keep and bare arms, freedom of religion, and freedom of belief. Today's condition points to the fact that the last days are at hand! We are losing our freedom!
If you don't follow the world, the world will find a way to make you an outcast. Progress is no longer supported, its practically been made illegal. Today, we are losing freedom in science. The Darwinist declare evolution to be a fact, when any and all evidence has been proven false, or just can't be proven cause there is no historical evidence in artifacts that are found today that support this theory! Yes, evolution is a theory, no matter how much the Darwinists hum and ho about it! But don't forget Christian, we too must believe. We must believe that God exist, but to me, its easy to believe, cause looking at today's world, we see complexity beyond all imagination. Just a single human cell is more complex then a galaxy! It is easy to understand a Creation belief, Intelligent design is everywhere, and the Bible is the unchanging book that has been passed down from generation to generation, since the days of Noah! The Bible makes it easy to believe, not like the textbooks, which change every year! I highly recommend the movie Expelled. This movie gives you bravery, cause when you see for yourself the arguments that evolution has for its possibility, you will be like wow, what I believe is not so nearly far fetched as evolution! The real reason that evolution is around, is because the only other possibility, is God did it, and as many Darwinist declare, that is utterly unthinkable! They are bias against creation, because if it was even remotely possible, that means God has the authority to judge us! And as Richard Dawkins declared, that is a very scary thought!
Please watch Expelled, its a life changing video that will have you going wow, that's what we are up against?! You might even start laughing at how silly it is! I do not speak out against the people who preach evolution, but rather the message they present. Darwinist need God just as much as we do! Just think of the terrible fate that awaits them when judgment day comes! Thank you for reading, and God bless!


Love without cause

All of us have someone that we love. Ask yourself why you love that someone?! Is it because of what they have done for you, or what they say about you? Or is it because you are related to them and its your duty to love that person?! Or did you just decide your going to love that person no matter what they do or say?!
There is someone who loved you without cause! Jesus Christ loves us so much, and yet we have done nothing to deserve his love. Everyday God looks down at us with love, and I am called to ask,"Why do you love me so much Jesus, that you were willing to die for me?!"
Even if God doesn't live in your heart, he loves you! But he hates the sin that lives in the place that is rightfully his. All we need to do is except him! Cast our sins at his feet and complete turn from our old life, and start new and fresh! God loves you without cause, in return, never forsake him! God bless and thanks for reading!


A Matter of the Heart

Have you ever just felt awful inside, with no will to do anything, or please anyone, and no matter how hard you tried to explain, no one could understand you?!
My Father often refers to it as a "heart issue". When we are out of touch with our maker Jesus, nothing in our lives make much sense. Our lives start to become a senseless, worthless, mindless waste of time and effort. Its God's way of telling us, we need him even more than we know! Sometimes we take a leap of faith all based on us instead of on God, and just to prove to us how fruitless our lives are without him, he backs off.
And just like he knew it would, our lives start to go south. My life has had several ups and downs, and its all because I don't learn my lesson the first time all the time. I am a truly weak person without God behind me.
When he is with me, I can be a tower of strength, a beacon of hope for the lost, and I can have a heart of pure gold! For all is possible with God! As I have grown and matured, God has opened my eyes to allot of things, some of which were very painful to learn. The things I have lost, and the trials I have experienced, are nothing compared to what awaits me after life here on earth. Because God is my Lord, I have received pardon for all of my sins, both committed and thought! Its scary to think that God knows everything that we think everyday!
Watch for the signs, if the people around you avoid you, you are not in the right "heart mode". God alone can fix your "heart problems". Turn to him, for he is the light in the dark! God Bless!


When things go dark!

Have you ever been in an ice storm, or a tornado when all of a sudden all of your lights in the house go out?! There is nothing like being trapped in the dark. There are no walls to hold you in, but you feel trapped! Your sight is one of the precious gifts God has given you, when you can't see, you panic!
God is often referred to as the light of the world. God truly is the light in the darkness, anyone in their right mind, when they are in the dark and they can't see, will run to any light source they see. Yet thousands of lost souls, literally run away from the light, and right back into the darkness of sin! But, before we accepted Christ, we were just as foolish to continue running into the darkness. But there is hope for them too! God tells us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.(Mark 16:15) We are the result of God great works of love and forgiveness. God also tells us to be a witness.(Acts 1:8) If we live for the Lord, we also, become a light in the darkness! Back to a house with no light, even the smallest candle makes a big difference! Be the little candle in this dark world, and lead the way through the darkness, to the only way into eternal life, the Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you for reading! Have a blessed day!

The Silver Lining

Do you ever think of how easy life was when you were a kid? Your parents tell you what to do, and you do it...most of the time. You never had to make any decisions, your parents made all of them!
But now, growing into a young adult, your childhood living comes down quite suddenly, and now you got your wish, your parents aren't going to make your decisions for you, now you get to! And all of a sudden, things look quite different, you have so much responsibility, you don't know what to do with it!
Without God, we are pushed head long into the world without our most important tool. Its like sending a sky diver out of the plane without a parachute! Same applies to both, when we get to where we are going to be in life, if its without God, like that skydiver without a parachute, the end result is very messy and fatal! There are people in church, who say to themselves, this is great, I can take care of myself, I don't really need God, but I am a good person, so I'll stay here. Next time to go to church, look around, if what you see, is people with dull sleepy expressions, with jaw slack, or yawning, your in the wrong church! If you claim to be on fire for the Lord, BE ON FIRE! If you claim to love the Lord, LOVE HIM! There really is not half way, your either there, or your not! God would like nothing better that to count you as one of his children, he stands by, ever patient, waiting for you to ask him in! When people realize how they have sinned against the creator of the whole universe, they will want to run to the feet of God. That is what we need to do daily, run to the feet of our Savior, cause without him, we are but dust! The silver lining, if you personally know God, your going to spend the rest of your life with him! All the trials that we experience down here on earth will be rewarded with eternal life, if you have God in your heart, its like a ONE WAY ticket to heaven, for truely, God is the only way to heaven! Thank you for reading, keep reading and keep commenting! God Bless! <3