
Fighting against the pull!

Temptation is a strange thing, we all know what is right and wrong, cause we all have a conscience. But when it comes to something we know we shouldn't do, we have this over whelming want to do it!
Hey, we all get tempted as a test, at least my siblings aren't tempted every time to eat my birthday cake before its time!
Whether we admit it or not, sin looks very tempting! Somethings just don't loose their ugly charm that makes us want to just grab it up and dive head first right into it. But the Bible tells us that sin lasts for but a season.(Hebrews 11:25)
No matter how right it feels, or what good you "think" it might do, its an ugly trick that will fade within the year. I have been tempted to do things that are far out from what is right....but God has protected me, and everyday I thank him for his protection.
Yes I know none of us are going to be able to resist temptation 100% of the time! But that is why we need to turn to God, and ask him to be our protector. With him all things are possible! And with him in your life, you are able to fight against the pull of temptation! God bless and thanks for reading! Keep the comments coming!