Ok, don't get me wrong, I don't like the real nasty arguments that nobody enjoys! Have you ever won an argument? If you have, you know its a fun achievement! You are thinking, wow, I finally know what its like to be the winner!
Ok, it not always that great but let me get to my point. In this world Christian, people are going to drowned you with questions, and if you don't know the answers, its a sad fact, that we do look ridiculous, that is why in my post Expelled, I encouraged you to only talk about what you know.
But back to arguing, you will be amazed at what a wonderful feeling it is to present a good argument, as I continue to learn from my elders, and people who are, just plain smarter than me, I have learned how to argue.
One night when I was working late, I got into a spiritual and evolutionary argument with a co-worker, its amazing, to be able to explain a scientific or spiritual argument, and see the one you are trying to convict, nod in agreement. If what you present makes sense, its easy for them to listen. If you know the scriptures, and you know your science, and you know your Lord, being a Christian should be such a blessing to us!
And, I don't want your main reason for studying scriptures and science is so that you can feel that good feeling, I want you to study, so that when you witness to someone, and if they randomly start throwing those questions out, you can give an answer, if they see that we, the Christians, can give an answer, they will be like,"Hmm, maybe Christians aren't as crazy as I once thought."
Make today's world Christian, drop their jaw at what you have to say, and make God's blessing of your wisdom that you learn, a beacon on which to shine on the unbeliever, convicting and converting! Lets be the warriors of the World Christian! Are you with me?! God Bless!
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