
A Matter of the Heart

Have you ever just felt awful inside, with no will to do anything, or please anyone, and no matter how hard you tried to explain, no one could understand you?!
My Father often refers to it as a "heart issue". When we are out of touch with our maker Jesus, nothing in our lives make much sense. Our lives start to become a senseless, worthless, mindless waste of time and effort. Its God's way of telling us, we need him even more than we know! Sometimes we take a leap of faith all based on us instead of on God, and just to prove to us how fruitless our lives are without him, he backs off.
And just like he knew it would, our lives start to go south. My life has had several ups and downs, and its all because I don't learn my lesson the first time all the time. I am a truly weak person without God behind me.
When he is with me, I can be a tower of strength, a beacon of hope for the lost, and I can have a heart of pure gold! For all is possible with God! As I have grown and matured, God has opened my eyes to allot of things, some of which were very painful to learn. The things I have lost, and the trials I have experienced, are nothing compared to what awaits me after life here on earth. Because God is my Lord, I have received pardon for all of my sins, both committed and thought! Its scary to think that God knows everything that we think everyday!
Watch for the signs, if the people around you avoid you, you are not in the right "heart mode". God alone can fix your "heart problems". Turn to him, for he is the light in the dark! God Bless!


fruitfulvine said...

I have learned I can go to bed :)