

America is a nation of freedom, or at least it used to be. Our forefathers fought for freedom, the freedom of speech, the freedom to keep and bare arms, freedom of religion, and freedom of belief. Today's condition points to the fact that the last days are at hand! We are losing our freedom!
If you don't follow the world, the world will find a way to make you an outcast. Progress is no longer supported, its practically been made illegal. Today, we are losing freedom in science. The Darwinist declare evolution to be a fact, when any and all evidence has been proven false, or just can't be proven cause there is no historical evidence in artifacts that are found today that support this theory! Yes, evolution is a theory, no matter how much the Darwinists hum and ho about it! But don't forget Christian, we too must believe. We must believe that God exist, but to me, its easy to believe, cause looking at today's world, we see complexity beyond all imagination. Just a single human cell is more complex then a galaxy! It is easy to understand a Creation belief, Intelligent design is everywhere, and the Bible is the unchanging book that has been passed down from generation to generation, since the days of Noah! The Bible makes it easy to believe, not like the textbooks, which change every year! I highly recommend the movie Expelled. This movie gives you bravery, cause when you see for yourself the arguments that evolution has for its possibility, you will be like wow, what I believe is not so nearly far fetched as evolution! The real reason that evolution is around, is because the only other possibility, is God did it, and as many Darwinist declare, that is utterly unthinkable! They are bias against creation, because if it was even remotely possible, that means God has the authority to judge us! And as Richard Dawkins declared, that is a very scary thought!
Please watch Expelled, its a life changing video that will have you going wow, that's what we are up against?! You might even start laughing at how silly it is! I do not speak out against the people who preach evolution, but rather the message they present. Darwinist need God just as much as we do! Just think of the terrible fate that awaits them when judgment day comes! Thank you for reading, and God bless!