Have you ever been in a situation where you have wanted to disappear? Or where everyone and everything seems to be against you?! The world is full of critics, people who will look at you with a critical eye.
Your imagination will run away with you as you try to figure out what they might be thinking. "That person is weird, they are a christian, they are ugly, not very attractive, and they will never be popular." How do you fight this fear that you feel, will the world ever except me?! We all want to fit in, and we all want to be liked, and we want to please people, why is that?
The reason is that if we do all this, the world will might no longer be on your back for being a Christian. We have the right idea, but we have placed it in the wrong court! We are not called to be world pleasers, we are called to be God's pleaser! The Bible tells us to be the salt of the earth! Salt irritates, so.....GO IRRITATE SOMEONE!
If we are not irritating the world, and the people in it, we are a poor excuse for a Christian my friend! Cause God sure doesn't tell us to become part of the world, so that you can't see a difference, he calls us to be the LIGHT of the world, we need to stand completely apart from the world!
The Bible also tells us to be ready to give an answer! So, only talk about the things you know! And as for the things you don't know about, study to show yourself approved unto God!
Sure, we have all had our "o to be invisible" moments! Who doesn't? But seriously Christian, what God want from us, is the exact opposite of invisible, be visible, fearing no man, but forever loving and obeying our God!
So, tomorrow when you find yourself in the presence of the world, you should be "dancing" with all that God has given you, stand out and be a light for God! Thank you for reading, and God bless!
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