
Looking into a mirror

I guess you can say that a very big percentage of the American population looks into the mirror at least 3 to 4 times a day. A vain individual might look into the mirror up to 20 times a day!
The point of this post isn't about the sins of looking into a mirror, so us girls can relax! In a is about sin though.
When we witness to people, we say there are several ways to witness to someone, but only one way is the most effective, and the end results are the ones needed for true Christian conversion.
The Bible tells us that by the law is the knowledge of sin.(Romans 3:20) Paul tell us that he had not known what sin was until he knew the law.(Romans 7:7) God's law, the Ten Commandments, is the mirror we need to look into.
When we look into the mirror, it doesn't lie to us, we see exactly what we look like, and often, we don't like what we see! Its the same with the Ten Commandments, God's perfect law is something we have all broken, either in our hearts, or in our actions. We can't hide from the fact that when we are looking into the "law mirror" we look dirty, ugly, and unworthy! But God loved us so much, that he died for us! He died so that when we look into the "law mirror" we can see ourselves as clean! We are not perfect, and never will be, but because of God's gift to us, we have our evil deeds washed from our lives so that when we enter into heaven, God will say, "Come in child of God, I have been waiting for you!" All we need to do, is realize our sins, and turn from them, and walk toward the light of God's word! So, next time you look into the mirror, remember God's love for you, and his law. Strive to follow him, even when you can't be perfect, our God will never forsake you! (Deu 31:6) God Bless and thanks for reading!