
Love without cause

All of us have someone that we love. Ask yourself why you love that someone?! Is it because of what they have done for you, or what they say about you? Or is it because you are related to them and its your duty to love that person?! Or did you just decide your going to love that person no matter what they do or say?!
There is someone who loved you without cause! Jesus Christ loves us so much, and yet we have done nothing to deserve his love. Everyday God looks down at us with love, and I am called to ask,"Why do you love me so much Jesus, that you were willing to die for me?!"
Even if God doesn't live in your heart, he loves you! But he hates the sin that lives in the place that is rightfully his. All we need to do is except him! Cast our sins at his feet and complete turn from our old life, and start new and fresh! God loves you without cause, in return, never forsake him! God bless and thanks for reading!