

Have you ever felt like you can't do anything right? That everything you do just seems to make your situation even worse?
I thought today instead of telling everyone what needs to happen, I'll just tell myself, and you get to listen! Yes, its true that we all feel like failures at some point in time, things just don't seem to stay the way you want them too, and you can't do anything right with anyone, everything we do is gone through with a fine tooth comb, and it just doesn't add up! When am I going to be enough? How will I ever do what is right?!
It wasn't until God opened my eyes last night that I began to understand. There is nothing I can do to make my life better, by myself that is! I am the mess, and God is the organizer! Without the organizer, the mess will never get picked up, it just stays there!
I don't want to be a mess anymore, I want to be someone who can do things right, through Christ who strengthens me! I don't want to be a failure, but a blessing to all! There are times when I look at my friends and want to ask, What do you see in me? I am a mess!!!! I don't get along with my mom, I don't get my house work done when I should, I procrastinate, I fight with my siblings, and I am behind in school! But God is still here with me, why is that? I write this in the hope that one day, I will no longer be a failure, but a success through Christ!
But truly Christian, I never want it to be said that I am an awesome person, when there is so much to work on! I don't deserve praise cause I have not earned it! And I don't want you to think that I am that "perfect person" who knows what to say, and knows what to do all the time! I have only listed a few of my defaults, I could probably make a pretty big list of what is wrong with me.
I love you all so very much! Thank you so much for reading and learning with me in this blog! God bless you!


Kelly said...

Reading your posts, I find fault because I'm guilty!!!!!!!

Country Girl said...

We are all guilty! All we can do is strive for Christ! :)

Sumthin' Good Listings said...
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Sumthin' Good Listings said...

Thanks the the post Rach! It was really what I needed right now. I'm going through some of the same things you mentioned. I also liked what you said here: "things just don't seem to stay the way you want them too" Thats so true with me! Thanks for the encouragement! :)

Country Girl said...

Your welcome Andy! It is nice to know I am not alone in my struggles, but at the same time, I wish you didn't have to be going through it! Trust me I will be praying for you! :) I am so glad I could encourage you, and the funny thing is, I was just trying to make myself feel better by writing this to myself, but God really does work in wonderful ways! :) I love you so much Andy! You have been a better brother and friend than I could ever ask for, know that I am praying for you daily! :)

Love your sister and friend,


fruitfulvine said...

He who began a good work in you will complete it!!
Your "fine-toothed comb" :)

Country Girl said...

LOL! how did you know you were the fine tooth comb?! LOLOLOLOLOL! that is too funny, thanks for the laugh mom! :)