
Hey look I can speak!

Have you ever thought about how special it is to be able to make a sound that makes sense? The ability to communicate is so special, and we use it every day, and take it for granted that we can speak!
God created the vocal cords so that we could make a noise, to sing and speak, and he made the tongue so we could form words and make them come out clearly. How special it is to sing praise hymns to God! How special it is to speak to God in prayer!
If we just lost the ability to speak, would our life be easier even with everything else? No it would be worse! We wouldn't be able to call for help when we are in trouble, we wouldn't be able to tell someone that we love them! And the parents wouldn't be able to scold the kids!!! At this point some of the younger generation is thinking....hmmm maybe we should try that sometime!
But truly, the ability to speak is a special gift God gave us, as part of being different from the animal race. So the next time you speak to someone, bless them with that voice that God gave you! Everyone needs to know that using speech to cause pain, is the worst way to use it! And just for fun, when you do talk to someone, just randomly say, Hey look I can speak! Cause we really are blessed with the ability of speech! Thanks for reading and God bless!