
To Speak of Things Eternal!

In this life we are surrounded by duties, jobs, responsibilities, distractions, and entertainment. Sometimes we just can't seem to concentrate on one thing!
As Christians our most important responsibility is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ! But our one excuse is that we can't find time to do it! I just received an email from a friend with this poem in it, and I want to share it. I have posted it separately from this post.
This poem is really convicting, about how when we don't do what needs to be done, so that others might receive eternal life, how would it feel to have that turned against us! True, we don't always have the courage to share our faith; we fear rejection so much, or the laughter of others that we really just want to shut up and be quiet! But Christian, we can't do that!
Its easy to say,"I am a Christian" when your surrounded by Christian friends and family, but what about when your surrounded by unsaved co-workers, friends and family?! You just going to let them perish?! We need to step up Christian, and do our calling, or in the end, when we stand before God, our not having the time to share our faith, will be turn on us, when God "forgets" to put our name in the book of life! So Christian, Speak of things Eternal, and have your name written down in the book of life! God bless and thanks for reading!