
Well Done!

Who doesn't want to hear that they have done a good job?! Who doesn't want to know that they are good hard workers, and their work is appreciated?!
There is something about being praised that just make your heart swell and you feelings soar! You want to jump up and down, and just sing your so happy! And we all know what it feels like to not be praised....we loose all of our motivation, our heart sinks, and our attitudes become taunt, and sour.
Well Christian, we all love to be praised for a job well done! If we love to be praised by man, just think how much more exhilarating it is to be praised by God! To hear him say, Well Done my child, you have fought the good fight, you have kept my commandments, and have not denied my name! O if only to hear our heavenly father say that! How humbling that would be!
None of us are perfect Christian, we all stand under God and his laws! But if we strive for good, and follow God's work, truly, he will greet us with those words of praise, WELL DONE! (Matthew 25:21) God clearly states that if we do well, he will bless us! So Christian, stand strong in the ways of God, and strive to do well! God Bless and thanks for reading!


Sumthin' Good Listings said...

Love that verse! "Well done, good and faithful servant!" I love your post!

Country Girl said...

I know, I love that verse too! :D Thanks Andy, I am glad you love my posts, I love yours too, when you post them! :P lol

Sumthin' Good Listings said...

"when you post them" lol :D I try :P

Country Girl said...

I know Andy, I am really bad aren't i?! :P You know I still love you! :D

Kelly said...

I love your posts so much! You write 'em as if they were the bible! :)
P.s. Did you get your haircut?????

Sumthin' Good Listings said...

You are very bad! :D

Country Girl said...

:( I guess I am bad aren't i?! :P lol at least your not mad at me right?! :P Yeah Kelly, I got a haircut! :) Thanks for all the compliments about my post, keep it up! :D Love you both! ;)