
Hunting with the Word

What gun do you use to bring people to Christ?! Do you use the "wonderful life" gun or the "Ten Commandments" gun?

What's the difference you ask? Well, how do you bring someone to Christ? Do you speak of sin? Do you speak of hell? Or the judgment? Or do you use a message that goes something like this...'God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life, and if you just pray this prayer and ask Christ into your heart, you're set for life...'?

What is wrong with this teaching is, people will only come to Christ because they want to try him out and see if it's really true that God will make your life easier. Then when life's ride gets a little bumpy, they quickly ditch Christ.

Paul tells us that he did not know sin but by the law. The law is the schoolmaster to lead us to Christ. It is not until people see just how much they are guilty before God, that they want to put on God to save them from destruction. So, which gun do you hunt with?! Do you aim at man's ideas, and the place of argument, or do you aim for the heart and the conscience? Maybe you need to change your hunting tactics, only then can you down the soul into a humble submission before the Lord and his word. Hunt with the Word, and you'll never miss!